
388 lines
15 KiB

"""Scatter block.
Library : d3blocks
Author : E.Taskesen
Mail :
Github :
License : GPL3
# import colourmap
import numpy as np
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
from pathlib import Path
import os
import time
from ..utils import set_colors, convert_dataframe_dict, set_path, update_config, write_html_file
from utils import set_colors, convert_dataframe_dict, set_path, update_config, write_html_file
# %% Set configuration properties
def set_config(config={}, **kwargs):
"""Set the default configuration setting."""
logger = kwargs.get('logger', None)
config['chart'] = 'Scatter'
config['title'] = kwargs.get('title', 'scatter - D3blocks')
config['filepath'] = set_path(kwargs.get('filepath', 'scatter.html'), logger)
config['showfig'] = kwargs.get('showfig', True)
config['overwrite'] = kwargs.get('overwrite', True)
config['figsize'] = kwargs.get('figsize', [900, 600])
config['cmap'] = kwargs.get('cmap', 'tab20')
config['scale'] = kwargs.get('scale', False)
config['ylim'] = kwargs.get('ylim', [None, None])
config['xlim'] = kwargs.get('xlim', [None, None])
config['label_radio'] = kwargs.get('label_radio', ['(x, y)', '(x1, y1)', '(x2, y2)'])
config['color_background'] = kwargs.get('color_background', '#ffffff')
config['reset_properties'] = kwargs.get('reset_properties', True)
config['notebook'] = kwargs.get('notebook', False)
config['jitter'] = kwargs.get('jitter', None)
# Return
return config
# %% Preprocessing
def check_exceptions(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, size, color, tooltip, logger):
"""Check Exceptions."""
# if len(config['label_radio'])!=sum(list(map(lambda x: x=='', config['radio_button_visible']))): raise Exception(logger.error('input parameter [label_radio] must contain the correct number of labels depending on the (x,y), (x1,y1), (x2,y2) coordinates.'))
if len(x) != len(y): raise Exception(logger.error('input parameter [x] and [y] should be of size of (x, y).'))
if size is None: raise Exception(logger.error('input parameter [size] should have value >0.'))
if color is None: raise Exception(
logger.error('input parameter [color] should be of a list of string with hex color, such as "#000000".'))
if isinstance(size, (list, np.ndarray)) and (len(size) != len(x)): raise Exception(
logger.error('input parameter [s] should be of same size of (x, y).'))
if (tooltip is not None) and len(tooltip) != len(x): raise Exception(
logger.error('input parameter [tooltip] should be of size (x, y) and not None.'))
if (x1 is not None) or (y1 is not None):
if len(x1) != len(y1): raise Exception(logger.error('input parameter [x1] should be of size of (x1, y1).'))
if len(x) != len(x1): raise Exception(logger.error('input parameter (x1, y1) should be of size of (x, y).'))
if (x2 is not None) or (y2 is not None):
if len(x2) != len(y2): raise Exception(logger.error('input parameter [x2] should be of size of (x2, y2).'))
if len(x) != len(x2): raise Exception(logger.error('input parameter (x2, y2) should be of size of (x, y).'))
# %% Set the Node properties
def set_node_properties(*args, **kwargs):
"""Set the node properties."""
return None
# %% Set the edge properties
def set_edge_properties(*args, **kwargs):
"""Set the edge properties for the scatterplot block.
x : numpy array
1d coordinates x-axis.
y : numpy array
1d coordinates y-axis.
x1 : numpy array
Second set of 1d coordinates x-axis.
y1 : numpy array
Second set of 1d coordinates y-axis.
x2 : numpy array
Third set of 1d coordinates x-axis.
y2 : numpy array
Third set of 1d coordinates y-axis.
size: list/array of with same size as (x,y). Can be of type str or int.
Size of the samples.
color: list/array of hex colors with same size as (x,y)
'#ffffff' : All dots are get the same hex color.
None: The same color as for c is applied.
['#000000', '#ffffff',...]: list/array of hex colors with same size as (x,y)
stroke: list/array of hex colors with same size as (x,y)
Edgecolor of dotsize in hex colors.
'#000000' : All dots are get the same hex color.
['#000000', '#ffffff',...]: list/array of hex colors with same size as (x,y)
c_gradient : String, (default: None)
Make a lineair gradient based on the density for the particular class label.
tooltip: list of labels with same size as (x,y)
labels of the samples.
opacity: float or list/array [0-1]
Opacity of the dot. Shoud be same size as (x,y)
cmap : String, (default: 'inferno')
All colors can be reversed with '_r', e.g. 'binary' to 'binary_r'
scale: Bool, optional
Scale datapoints. The default is False.
d3.edge_properties: DataFrame of dictionary
Contains properties of the unique input edges/links.
# Collect arguments
if len(args) == 2:
x, y = args
x = kwargs.get('x', None)
y = kwargs.get('y', None)
# Collect key-word arguments
x1 = kwargs.get('x1', None)
y1 = kwargs.get('y1', None)
x2 = kwargs.get('x2', None)
y2 = kwargs.get('y2', None)
jitter = kwargs.get('jitter', None)
size = kwargs.get('size', 5)
color = kwargs.get('color', '#69b3a2')
stroke = kwargs.get('stroke', '#000000')
c_gradient = kwargs.get('c_gradient', None)
tooltip = kwargs.get('tooltip', None)
opacity = kwargs.get('opacity', 0.8)
cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', 'tab20')
scale = kwargs.get('scale', False)
logger = kwargs.get('logger', None)
if isinstance(size, list): size = np.array(size)
# if (x1 is None): x1 = x
# if (y1 is None): y1 = y
# if (x2 is None): x2 = x
# if (y2 is None): y2 = y
if (x1 is None): x1 = np.zeros_like(x) * np.nan
if (y1 is None): y1 = np.zeros_like(x) * np.nan
if (x2 is None): x2 = np.zeros_like(x) * np.nan
if (y2 is None): y2 = np.zeros_like(x) * np.nan
# Add jitter
if jitter is not None:
x = x + np.random.normal(0, jitter, size=len(x))
if y is not None: y = y + np.random.normal(0, jitter, size=len(y))
if x1 is not None: x1 = x1 + np.random.normal(0, jitter, size=len(x1))
if x2 is not None: x2 = x2 + np.random.normal(0, jitter, size=len(x2))
if y1 is not None: y1 = y1 + np.random.normal(0, jitter, size=len(y1))
if y2 is not None: y2 = y2 + np.random.normal(0, jitter, size=len(y2))
# Combine into array
X = np.c_[x, y]
# Combine second coordinates into array
X1 = np.c_[x1, y1]
X2 = np.c_[x2, y2]
# Scale data
if scale:
if logger is not None:'Scaling xy-coordinates.')
X = _scale_xy(X)
X1 = _scale_xy(X1)
X2 = _scale_xy(X2)
# In case only one (s)ize is defined. Set all points to this size.
if isinstance(size, (int, float)): size = np.repeat(size, X.shape[0])
if np.any(size < 0):
if logger is not None:'[%.0d] sizes are <0 and set to 0.' % (np.sum(size < 0)))
size[size < 0] = 0
# In case None tooltip is defined. Set all points to this tooltip.
if tooltip is None: tooltip = np.repeat('', X.shape[0])
# In case only one opacity is defined. Set all points to this size.
if isinstance(opacity, (int, float)): opacity = np.repeat(opacity, X.shape[0])
# colors
color, labels = set_colors(X, color, cmap, c_gradient=c_gradient)
# In case stroke is None: use same colors as for c.
if stroke is None:
stroke = color
elif isinstance(stroke, str):
# In case only one stroke is defined. Set all points to this size.
stroke = np.repeat(stroke, X.shape[0])
# Make dict with properties
dict_properties = {}
for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
dict_properties[i] = {'label': labels[i], 'x': X[i][0], 'y': X[i][1], 'x1': X1[i][0], 'y1': X1[i][1],
'x2': X2[i][0], 'y2': X2[i][1], 'color': color[i], 'size': size[i], 'stroke': stroke[i],
'opacity': opacity[i], 'tooltip': tooltip[i]}
# Create the plot
# df = pd.DataFrame(dict_properties).T
# return
return dict_properties
# %% Scale data
def _scale_xy(X):
"""Scale xy coordinates."""
x_min, x_max = np.min(X, 0), np.max(X, 0)
return (X - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)
# %% Show
def show(df, **kwargs):
"""Build and show the graph.
df : pd.DataFrame()
Input data.
label_radio: List ['(x, y)', '(x1, y1)', '(x2, y2)']
The labels used for the radiobuttons.
set_xlim : tuple, (default: [None, None])
Width of the x-axis: The default is extracted from the data with 10% spacing.
set_ylim : tuple, (default: [None, None])
Height of the y-axis: The default is extracted from the data with 10% spacing.
title : String, (default: None)
Title of the figure.
filepath : String, (Default: user temp directory)
File path to save the output.
figsize : tuple, (default: [None, None])
Size of the figure in the browser, [width, height].
[900, 600]
showfig : bool, (default: True)
True: Open browser-window.
False: Do not open browser-window.
overwrite : bool, (default: True)
True: Overwrite the html in the destination directory.
False: Do not overwrite destination file but show warning instead.
reset_properties : bool, (default: True)
True: Reset the node_properties at each run.
False: Use the d3.node_properties()
config : dict
Dictionary containing configuration keys.
logger : Object, (default: None)
Show messages on screen.
config : dict
Dictionary containing updated configuration keys.
df = df.copy()
logger = kwargs.get('logger', None)
config = update_config(kwargs, logger)
config = config.copy()
# Convert dict/frame.
df = convert_dataframe_dict(df, frame=True)
# Set the radio button and visibility of the labels
config['radio_button_visible'] = [("display:none;" if (np.all(list(map(np.isnan, df['x1'])))) else ""),
("display:none;" if (np.all(list(map(np.isnan, df['x1'])))) else ""),
("display:none;" if (np.all(list(map(np.isnan, df['x2'])))) else "")]
if ("display:none" in config['radio_button_visible'][0]): config['label_radio'][0] = ""
if ("display:none" in config['radio_button_visible'][1]): config['label_radio'][1] = ""
if len(config['label_radio']) == 3 and ("display:none" in config['radio_button_visible'][2]):
config['label_radio'][2] = ""
elif len(config['label_radio']) == 2:
# Compute xlim and ylim for the axis.
spacing = 0.12
if config['xlim'] == [None, None] or len(config['xlim']) == 0:
maxvalue = df[['x', 'x1', 'x2']].max().max()
minvalue = df[['x', 'x1', 'x2']].min().min()
x_spacing = ((maxvalue - minvalue) * spacing)
config['xlim'] = [minvalue - x_spacing, maxvalue + x_spacing]
# x_spacing = (df['x'].max() - df['x'].min()) * spacing
# config['xlim'] = [df['x'].min() - x_spacing, df['x'].max() + x_spacing]
if config['ylim'] == [None, None] or len(config['ylim']) == 0:
maxvalue = df[['y', 'y1', 'y2']].max().max()
minvalue = df[['y', 'y1', 'y2']].min().min()
y_spacing = ((maxvalue - minvalue) * spacing)
config['ylim'] = [minvalue - y_spacing, maxvalue + y_spacing]
# y_spacing = (df['y'].max() - df['y'].min()) * spacing
# config['ylim'] = [df['y'].min() - y_spacing, df['y'].max() + y_spacing]
# Create the data from the input of javascript
X = get_data_ready_for_d3(df)
# Check whether tooltip is available. Otherwise remove the tooltip box.
if np.all(df['tooltip'] == ''):
config['mouseover'] = ''
config['mousemove'] = ''
config['mouseleave'] = ''
config['mouseover'] = '.on("mouseover", mouseover)'
config['mousemove'] = '.on("mousemove", mousemove)'
config['mouseleave'] = '.on("mouseleave", mouseleave)'
# Write to HTML
return write_html(X, config, logger=logger)
def write_html(X, config, logger=None):
"""Write html.
X : list of str
Input data for javascript.
config : dict
Dictionary containing configuration keys.
content = {
'json_data': X,
'COLOR_BACKGROUND': config['color_background'],
'TITLE': config['title'],
'WIDTH': config['figsize'][0],
'HEIGHT': config['figsize'][1],
'MIN_X': config['xlim'][0],
'MAX_X': config['xlim'][1],
'MIN_Y': config['ylim'][0],
'MAX_Y': config['ylim'][1],
'RADIO_LABEL1': config['label_radio'][0],
'RADIO_LABEL2': config['label_radio'][1],
'RADIO_LABEL3': config['label_radio'][2],
'RADIO_VISIBLE1': config['radio_button_visible'][0],
'RADIO_VISIBLE2': config['radio_button_visible'][1],
'RADIO_VISIBLE3': config['radio_button_visible'][2],
'MOUSEOVER': config['mouseover'],
'MOUSEMOVE': config['mousemove'],
'MOUSELEAVE': config['mouseleave'],
jinja_env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader(package_name=__name__, package_path='d3js'))
jinja_env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader(package_name='d3blocks.scatter', package_path='d3js'))
index_template = jinja_env.get_template('scatter.html.j2')
# index_file = Path(config['filepath'])
# # index_file.write_text(index_template.render(content))
# if config['overwrite'] and os.path.isfile(index_file):
# if logger is not None:'File already exists and will be overwritten: [%s]' %(index_file))
# os.remove(index_file)
# time.sleep(0.5)
# with open(index_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
# f.write(index_template.render(content))
# Generate html content
html = index_template.render(content)
write_html_file(config, html, logger)
# Return html
return html
def get_data_ready_for_d3(df):
"""Convert the source-target data into d3 compatible data.
df : pd.DataFrame()
Input data.
X : str.
Converted data into a string that is d3 compatible.
# Set x, y
X = df[['x', 'y', 'color', 'size', 'opacity', 'stroke', 'tooltip', 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2']].to_json(orient='values')
# Return
return X