
145 lines
3.7 KiB

package backends
import (
log ""
. ""
func TestFiles(t *testing.T) {
//Initialize Files with mock password and acl files.
authOpts := make(map[string]string)
Convey("Given empty opts NewFiles should fail", t, func() {
_, err := NewFiles(authOpts, log.DebugLevel)
So(err, ShouldBeError)
pwPath, _ := filepath.Abs("../test-files/passwords")
aclPath, _ := filepath.Abs("../test-files/acls")
authOpts["password_path"] = pwPath
authOpts["acl_path"] = aclPath
clientID := "test_client"
Convey("Given valid params NewFiles should return a new files backend instance", t, func() {
files, err := NewFiles(authOpts, log.DebugLevel)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
ACL file looks like this:
user test1
topic write test/topic/1
topic read test/topic/2
user test2
topic read test/topic/+
user test3
topic read test/#
pattern read test/%u
pattern read test/%c
//Password are the same as users
user1 := "test1"
user2 := "test2"
user3 := "test3"
Convey("Given a username and a correct password, it should correctly authenticate it", func() {
authenticated := files.GetUser(user1, user1, clientID)
So(authenticated, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Given a username and an incorrect password, it should not authenticate it", func() {
authenticated := files.GetUser(user1, user2, clientID)
So(authenticated, ShouldBeFalse)
//There are no superusers for files
Convey("For any user superuser should return false", func() {
superuser := files.GetSuperuser(user1)
So(superuser, ShouldBeFalse)
testTopic1 := `test/topic/1`
testTopic2 := `test/topic/2`
testTopic3 := `test/other/1`
testTopic4 := `other/1`
readWriteTopic := "readwrite/topic"
Convey("User 1 should be able to publish and not subscribe to test topic 1, and only subscribe but not publish to topic 2", func() {
tt1 := files.CheckAcl(user1, testTopic1, clientID, 2)
tt2 := files.CheckAcl(user1, testTopic1, clientID, 1)
tt3 := files.CheckAcl(user1, testTopic2, clientID, 2)
tt4 := files.CheckAcl(user1, testTopic2, clientID, 1)
So(tt1, ShouldBeTrue)
So(tt2, ShouldBeFalse)
So(tt3, ShouldBeFalse)
So(tt4, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("User 1 should be able to subscribe or publish to a readwrite topic rule", func() {
tt1 := files.CheckAcl(user1, readWriteTopic, clientID, 2)
tt2 := files.CheckAcl(user1, readWriteTopic, clientID, 1)
So(tt1, ShouldBeTrue)
So(tt2, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("User 2 should be able to read any test/topic/X but not any/other", func() {
tt1 := files.CheckAcl(user2, testTopic1, clientID, 1)
tt2 := files.CheckAcl(user2, testTopic2, clientID, 1)
tt3 := files.CheckAcl(user2, testTopic3, clientID, 1)
So(tt1, ShouldBeTrue)
So(tt2, ShouldBeTrue)
So(tt3, ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("User 3 should be able to read any test/X but not other/...", func() {
tt1 := files.CheckAcl(user3, testTopic1, clientID, 1)
tt2 := files.CheckAcl(user3, testTopic2, clientID, 1)
tt3 := files.CheckAcl(user3, testTopic3, clientID, 1)
tt4 := files.CheckAcl(user3, testTopic4, clientID, 1)
So(tt1, ShouldBeTrue)
So(tt2, ShouldBeTrue)
So(tt3, ShouldBeTrue)
So(tt4, ShouldBeFalse)
//Now check against patterns.
Convey("Given a topic that mentions username, acl check should pass", func() {
tt1 := files.CheckAcl(user1, "test/test1", clientID, 1)
So(tt1, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Given a topic that mentions clientid, acl check should pass", func() {
tt1 := files.CheckAcl(user1, "test/test_client", clientID, 1)
So(tt1, ShouldBeTrue)
//Halt files