#!/bin/bash # This script is make to be run in Docker image build by Dockerfile.test function checkIfContainer { if [[ $MOSQUITTO_GO_AUTH_TEST_RUNNING_IN_A_CONTAINER != "true" ]]; then echo "This script is only supposed run in a container as it modifies the system and databases." exit 1 fi } function prepareAndStartPostgres { local POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION=$(sudo find /usr/lib/postgresql -wholename '/usr/lib/postgresql/*/bin/postgres' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+') local POSTGRES_POSTGRESQL_CONF_FILE="/etc/postgresql/$POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION/main/postgresql.conf" local POSTGRES_PG_HBA_FILE="/etc/postgresql/$POSTGRES_MAJOR_VERSION/main/pg_hba.conf" # Postgres requires 'postgres' to be owner of the server key mkdir -p /etc/ssl/private/postgresql cp -r /test-files/certificates/db/server-key.pem /etc/ssl/private/postgresql/server-key.pem chown postgres:postgres -R /etc/ssl/private/postgresql usermod -aG ssl-cert postgres sed -i "/^ssl_(ca|cert|key)_file)/d" $POSTGRES_POSTGRESQL_CONF_FILE cat >> $POSTGRES_POSTGRESQL_CONF_FILE <<- EOF ssl_ca_file = '/test-files/certificates/db/fullchain-server.pem' ssl_cert_file = '/test-files/certificates/db/server.pem' ssl_key_file = '/etc/ssl/private/postgresql/server-key.pem' EOF local PG_HBA_TLS_ENTRIES=$(cat <<- EOF hostssl all go_auth_test_tls md5 hostnossl all go_auth_test_tls reject hostssl all go_auth_test_mutual_tls md5 clientcert=verify-ca hostnossl all go_auth_test_mutual_tls reject EOF) # Add the tls entries to the beginning of the file, because entry order is important echo "${PG_HBA_TLS_ENTRIES}$(cat $POSTGRES_PG_HBA_FILE)" > $POSTGRES_PG_HBA_FILE service postgresql stop && service postgresql start sudo -u postgres psql <<- "EOF" create user go_auth_test with login password 'go_auth_test'; create database go_auth_test with owner go_auth_test; create user go_auth_test_tls with login password 'go_auth_test_tls'; grant all privileges on database go_auth_test TO go_auth_test_tls; create user go_auth_test_mutual_tls with login password 'go_auth_test_mutual_tls'; grant all privileges on database go_auth_test TO go_auth_test_mutual_tls; EOF psql "user=go_auth_test password=go_auth_test host=" <<- "EOF" create table test_user( id bigserial primary key, username character varying (100) not null, password_hash character varying (200) not null, is_admin boolean not null); create table test_acl( id bigserial primary key, test_user_id bigint not null references test_user on delete cascade, topic character varying (200) not null, rw int not null); EOF } function prepareAndStartMariaDb { # Mariadb requires 'mysql' to be owner of the server key mkdir -p /etc/ssl/private/mariadb cp -r /test-files/certificates/db/server-key.pem /etc/ssl/private/mariadb/server-key.pem chown mysql:mysql -R /etc/ssl/private/mariadb usermod -aG ssl-cert mysql cat > /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/100-server-ssl-config.cnf <<- EOF [mysqld] ssl-ca=/test-files/certificates/db/fullchain-server.pem ssl-cert=/test-files/certificates/db/server.pem ssl-key=/etc/ssl/private/mariadb/server-key.pem EOF service mariadb stop && service mariadb start mysql <<- "EOF" create database go_auth_test; create user 'go_auth_test'@'localhost' identified by 'go_auth_test'; grant all privileges on go_auth_test.* to 'go_auth_test'@'localhost'; create user 'go_auth_test_tls'@'localhost' identified by 'go_auth_test_tls' REQUIRE SSL; grant all privileges on go_auth_test.* to 'go_auth_test_tls'@'localhost'; create user 'go_auth_test_mutual_tls'@'localhost' identified by 'go_auth_test_mutual_tls' REQUIRE SUBJECT '/CN=Mosquitto Go Auth Test DB Client'; grant all privileges on go_auth_test.* to 'go_auth_test_mutual_tls'@'localhost'; flush privileges; EOF mysql go_auth_test <<- "EOF" create table test_user( id mediumint not null auto_increment, username varchar(100) not null, password_hash varchar(200) not null, is_admin boolean not null, primary key(id) ); create table test_acl( id mediumint not null auto_increment, test_user_id mediumint not null, topic varchar(200) not null, rw int not null, primary key(id), foreign key(test_user_id) references test_user(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); EOF } function prepareAndStartRedis() { service redis-server start mkdir /tmp/cluster-test cd /tmp/cluster-test mkdir 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 cat > 7000/redis.conf <<- EOF port 7000 cluster-enabled yes cluster-config-file nodes.conf cluster-node-timeout 5000 appendonly yes EOF for i in 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005; do sed s/7000/$i/ < 7000/redis.conf > $i/redis.conf done for i in 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005; do (cd $i; redis-server redis.conf > server.log 2>&1 &) done sleep 3 yes yes | redis-cli --cluster create \ \ --cluster-replicas 1 } checkIfContainer # Copy certificates structure to container so we # don't overwrite anything mkdir -p /test-files/certificates cp -r /app/test-files/certificates/* /test-files/certificates # Remove all generated certificates because the generator does not delete already existing files rm -rf /test-files/certificates/*.pem && rm -rf /test-files/certificates/*.csr rm -rf /test-files/certificates/**/*.pem && rm -rf /test-files/certificates/**/*.csr /test-files/certificates/generate-all.sh prepareAndStartPostgres prepareAndStartMariaDb prepareAndStartRedis sudo -u mongodb mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf & cd /app export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin set -x if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then make test else exec "$@" fi