
228 lines
8.1 KiB

* (C) Copyright 2004-2007 Shawn Betts
* (C) Copyright 2007-2008 John J. Foerch
* (C) Copyright 2007-2008 Jeremy Maitin-Shepard
* Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the terms specified in the
* COPYING file.
var webjumps = {};
define_keywords("$completer", "$description", "$argument", "$alternative",
function define_webjump (key, handler) {
var argument = arguments.$argument;
let alternative = arguments.$alternative;
var post_data = arguments.$post_data;
// handler may be a function or a string. An alternative url may
// be passed using the $alternative keyword; it is used in place
// of the handler when no arguments are supplied by the user when
// invoking the webjump (see get_webjump). For string webjumps
// that contain %s and for which no alternative is provided, an
// alternative is autogenerated by trimming the path from the url.
// A webjump can thus function both as a way to invoke a search
// and as a bookmark.
// When the handler is a string and post_data is given the webjump
// will result in a POST. A '%s' element in post_data will be
// replaced by the webjump argument and the alternative is the
// same as the handler (but as a GET).
// The argument property may be false (no arguments will be
// accepted for the webjump), true (arguments are required for the
// webjump) or 'optional' (arguments are accepted but not
// required). If the property is not specified, a sensible default
// is chosen depending on the type of the handler and whether an
// alternative is specified. If the property is false, then
// completing on the name of the webjump in the minibuffer will
// not result in a space being appended.
if (typeof(handler) == "function") {
if (argument == null && alternative == null)
argument = true;
} else if (typeof(handler) == "string") {
if (post_data && alternative == null)
alternative = handler;
else if (handler.indexOf('%s') == -1)
argument = false;
else if (alternative == null)
alternative = url_path_trim(handler);
if (alternative && argument == null)
argument = 'optional';
function make_string_handler (template) {
var b = template.indexOf('%s');
return function (arg) {
var a = b + 2;
// Just return the same string if it doesn't contain a %s
if (b == -1)
return template;
return template.substr(0,b) + encodeURIComponent(arg) + template.substring(a);
function make_post_handler (uri, post_data) {
return function (arg) {
return load_spec({
uri: uri,
post_data: make_post_data( (pair) {
if (pair[1] == '%s')
return [pair[0], arg];
return pair;
if (typeof(handler) == "string") {
if (post_data)
handler = make_post_handler(handler, post_data);
handler = make_string_handler(handler);
webjumps[key] = { key: key,
handler: handler,
completer: arguments.$completer,
description: arguments.$description,
argument: argument,
alternative: alternative};
function clear_webjumps () {
webjumps = {};
define_variable("webjump_partial_match", true,
"When entering a url, if the input is not a webjump, " +
"but would uniquely complete to a webjump, then accept " +
"that webjump only if this is true.");
function match_webjump (str) {
var sp = str.indexOf(' ');
var key, arg;
if (sp == -1) {
key = str;
arg = null;
} else {
key = str.substring(0, sp);
arg = str.substring(sp + 1);
if (/^\s*$/.test(arg))
arg = null;
// Look for an exact match
var match = webjumps[key];
// Look for a partial match
if (!match && webjump_partial_match) {
for (let [k,v] in Iterator(webjumps)) {
if (String(k).substring(0, key.length) == key) {
if (match) {
// key is not a unique prefix, as there are multiple partial matches
return null;
match = v;
if (match) {
if (arg == null && match.argument == true)
throw interactive_error('Webjump '+key+' requires an argument.');
return [match, key, arg];
return null;
function get_webjump (value) {
var res = match_webjump(value);
if (!res)
return null;
let [match,key,arg] = res;
if (arg == null && match.alternative)
return match.alternative;
return match.handler(arg);
function get_url_or_webjump (input) {
var url = get_webjump(input);
if (url != null)
return url;
return input;
function webjump_completer () {
let base_completer = prefix_completer(
$completions = [ v for ([k,v] in Iterator(webjumps)) ],
$get_string = function (x) { return x.key + (x.argument ? " " : ""); },
$get_description = function (x) { return x.description || ""; });
return function (input, pos, conservative) {
let str = input.substring(0,pos);
let res;
try { res = match_webjump(str); }
catch (e) { res = null; }
if (res) {
let [match, key, arg] = res;
if (arg != null) { // If there is no argument yet, we use the base completer
if (match.completer) {
let c = yield, arg, pos - key.length - 1, conservative);
yield co_return(nest_completions(c, match.key + " "));
yield co_return(null);
yield co_return(base_completer(input, pos, conservative));
* Built-in webjumps
function define_delicious_webjumps (username) {
define_webjump("delicious", "" + username + "/%s",
$alternative = "" + username);
define_webjump("adelicious", "javascript:location.href='"+
define_webjump("sdelicious", ""+username+
define_webjump("sadelicious", "");
function define_lastfm_webjumps (username) {
if (! username) username = "";
define_webjump("lastfm", ""+username);
define_webjump("lastfm-user", "");
define_webjump("lastfm-music", "");
define_webjump("lastfm-group", "");
define_webjump("lastfm-tag", "");
define_webjump("lastfm-label", "");
define_webjump("lastfm-event", "");
function define_default_webjumps () {
define_webjump("lucky", "'m Feeling Lucky");
define_webjump("maps", "");
define_webjump("scholar", "");
define_webjump("slang", "");
define_webjump("dictionary", "");
define_webjump("image", "");