
612 lines
27 KiB

"about": {
"About": "À propos de",
"Introduction": "Introduction",
"Introduction-content": "Casnode is the official forum for Casbin developers and users. It is an open source light forum",
"Official website": "Site officiel",
"Version": "Version"
"admin": {
"Advertise": "Advertise",
"Asc": "Ascendant",
"Backstage management": "Gestion des coulisses",
"Condition search": "Recherche de conditions",
"Desc": "Desc",
"Faq": "Faq",
"FrontConf management": "Gestion FrontConf",
"Get search result success": "Réussite du résultat de la recherche",
"Hidden": "Hidden",
"Ignore": "Ignorer",
"Manage": "Gérer",
"Member management": "Gestion des membres",
"Mission": "Mission",
"No matching data": "Aucune donnée correspondante",
"Node management": "Gestion des nœuds",
"Plane management": "Gestion des plans",
"Poster management": "Gestion des affiches",
"Sensitive management": "Gestion sensible",
"Show": "Afficher",
"Sorter": "Tri",
"Tab management": "Gestion des onglets",
"Thanks": "Thanks",
"Topic management": "Gestion des sujets",
"Translation management": "Gestion des traductions"
"balance": {
"'s daily checkin bonus": "bonus de check-in quotidien",
"'s reply": "de la réponse",
"'s topic": "du sujet",
"Account balance": "Solde du compte",
"Add balance": "Ajouter une balance",
"Admin": "Administrateur",
"Admin revision": "Révision de l'administrateur",
"Amount": "Montant",
"Balance": "Solde",
"Checkin bonus": "Checkin bonus",
"Consumption ranking": "Classement de consommation",
"Create reply": "Créer une réponse",
"Create topic": "Créer un sujet",
"Created a": "Créé un",
"Current account balance": "Solde actuel du compte",
"Description": "Libellé",
"Documentation on the virtual currency system": "Documentation on the virtual currency system",
"Pin it to the top": "Épingler en haut",
"Received thanks": "Reçu merci",
"Recharge": "Recharger",
"Reduce balance": "Réduire le solde",
"Reply in": "Répondre dans",
"Rich ranking": "Rang riche",
"Send thanks": "Envoyer des remerciements",
"Thanks": "Remerciements",
"Thanks your reply in": "Merci pour votre réponse dans",
"Thanks your topic": "Merci à votre sujet",
"Time": "Date et heure",
"Top topic": "Sujet supérieur",
"Topic response bonus": "Bonus de réponse au sujet",
"Topped topic": "Sujet en tête",
"Type": "Type de texte",
"Wealth ranking": "Classement des Richesses",
"characters reply": "caractères de réponse",
"characters topic": "sujet de caractères",
"copper": "cuivre",
"receive": "recevoir"
"bar": {
"Ad": "Ad",
"Child nodes": "Nœuds enfants",
"Collapse the extra nodes below": "Collapse the extra nodes below",
"Community Stats": "Statistiques de la communauté",
"Compose": "Composer",
"Consumption list": "Liste de consommation",
"File library": "Bibliothèque de fichiers",
"For Existing Member": "For Existing Member:",
"Hottest Nodes": "Noeuds les plus chauds",
"Member": "Member:",
"My Favorite Nodes": "Mes nœuds favoris",
"Newest Nodes": "Nœuds les plus récents",
"Nodes": "Nodes",
"Parent node": "Noeud parent",
"Receive today's checkin bonus": "Recevoir le bonus d'authentification du jour",
"Related nodes": "Nœuds liés",
"Reply": "Reply:",
"Rich List": "Liste enrichie",
"Sign In": "Se connecter",
"Sign Up Now": "S'inscrire maintenant",
"Today Top 10": "Aujourd'hui Top 10",
"Topic": "Topic:",
"Topics": "Sujets",
"Watch": "Regarder",
"more child nodes": "plus de noeuds enfants",
"more related nodes": "autres nœuds liés",
"show": "afficher",
"unread": "non lus"
"edit": {
"Edit content": "Modifier le contenu",
"Edit reply": "Modifier la réponse",
"Edit topic": "Modifier le sujet",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"You cannot edit this content.": "Vous ne pouvez pas modifier ce contenu."
"error": {
"Back to": "Retour à",
"Back to Home Page": "Retour à la page d'accueil",
"File not found": "Fichier introuvable",
"Home Page": "Page d'accueil",
"Member does not exist": "Le membre n'existe pas",
"My profile": "Mon profil",
"Node not found": "Noeud introuvable",
"Plane not found": "Plan introuvable",
"Please resolve the following issues before creating a new topic": "Please resolve the following issues before creating a new topic",
"Please resolve the following issues before submitting": "Please resolve the following issues before submitting",
"Reply content cannot be empty": "Le contenu de la réponse ne peut pas être vide",
"Retry Sign Out": "Réessayez de vous déconnecter",
"Tab not found": "Onglet introuvable",
"The node is currently in invisible state.": "Le noeud est actuellement dans un état invisible.",
"The node you are trying to view does not exist, there are several possibilities": "The node you are trying to view does not exist, there are several possibilities",
"The plane you are trying to view does not exist": "The plane you are trying to view does not exist",
"The tab you are trying to view does not exist": "The tab you are trying to view does not exist",
"Topic does not exist": "Le sujet n'existe pas",
"Topic not found": "Sujet introuvable",
"Topic title cannot be empty": "Le titre du sujet ne peut pas être vide",
"We had a problem when you signed out, please try again.": "Nous avons eu un problème lorsque vous vous êtes déconnecté, veuillez réessayer.",
"You entered a node ID that does not exist.": "You entered a node ID that does not exist."
"fav": {
"Add to favorite": "Ajouter aux favoris",
"Cancel favorite": "Annuler les favoris",
"Latest topics from people I followed": "Derniers sujets des personnes que j'ai suivies",
"My Favorite Nodes": "Mes nœuds favoris",
"My favorite topics": "Mes sujets favoris",
"My subscribe topics": "My subscribe topics",
"Total nodes": "Total nodes:",
"Total topics": "Total topics:"
"file": {
"'s file library": "bibliothèque de fichiers",
"?": "?",
"Confirm to delete": "Confirmer la suppression",
"Delete": "Supprimez",
"Description": "Libellé",
"Drop files here, or click upload": "Déposez des fichiers ici, ou cliquez sur télécharger",
"Edit file information": "Modifier les informations du fichier",
"Edit information": "Modifier les informations",
"File title": "Titre du fichier",
"If the file is something you do not want to be seen by others, then please do not upload it. At the same time, do not upload any file content that is prohibited by law.": "If the file is something you do not want to be seen by others, then please do not upload it. At the same time, do not upload any file content that is prohibited by law.",
"No preview for this type of file": "Aucun aperçu pour ce type de fichier",
"Open in new window": "Ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre",
"Privacy and content policy": "Politique de confidentialité et de contenu",
"Recharge to get more storage space": "Recharger pour obtenir plus d'espace de stockage",
"Support all types of files within 6MB": "Prise en charge de tous les types de fichiers à moins de 6Mo",
"The title information of the image is necessary": "The title information of the image is necessary",
"There are": "Il y a",
"There is no preview for this type of file, click to download/view": "There is no preview for this type of file, click to download/view",
"Upload new file": "Télécharger un nouveau fichier",
"Uploaded file": "Fichier téléchargé",
"Uploading...": "Téléversement...",
"You can upload": "Vous pouvez télécharger",
"file": "fichier",
"files": "fichiers",
"files now": "fichiers maintenant",
"submit": "Soumettre",
"upload": "téléverser",
"uploading": "téléversement en cours",
"views": "Vues"
"footer": {
"About": "À propos de",
"Advertise": "Annoncer",
"Community of Creators": "Communauté des créateurs",
"Highest": "Le plus haut",
"Mission": "Mission",
"Online": "En ligne",
"Select Editor": "Sélectionner un éditeur",
"Select Language": "Sélectionner la langue",
"Thanks": "Remerciements",
"Tools": "Outils"
"frontConf": {
"Footer Logo URL": "URL du logo du pied de page",
"Footer Logo image": "Image du logo du pied de page",
"Footer subtitle": "Sous-titre du pied de page",
"Footer title": "Titre du pied de page",
"Forum name": "Nom du forum",
"Logo image": "Image du logo",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Right subtitle": "Sous-titre à droite",
"Right title": "Titre de droite",
"Save": "Enregistrer"
"general": {
"Admin": "Administrateur",
"Anonymous": "Anonyme",
"Home": "Domicile",
"Homepage": "Page d'accueil",
"Language": "Langue",
"Navigation": "Navigation",
"Note": "Note",
"Setting": "Réglages",
"Sign In": "Se connecter",
"Sign In to Comment": "Connectez-vous pour commenter",
"Sign Out": "Déconnexion",
"Sign Up": "S'inscrire",
"Swagger": "Swagger",
"Timeline": "Échéancier",
"false": "Faux",
"true": "vrai"
"loading": {
"Content loading": "Chargement du contenu",
"Data is loading...": "Chargement des données...",
"File is loading": "Chargement du fichier en cours",
"Member profile is loading": "Chargement du profil du membre en cours",
"Node is loading": "Nœud en cours de chargement",
"Page is loading": "Chargement de la page en cours",
"Please wait patiently...": "Please wait patiently....",
"Topic is loading": "Le sujet est en cours de chargement"
"login": {
"Details": "Details",
"Help": "Help",
"Logged in successfully": "Logged in successfully",
"Signing In Error": "Signing In Error",
"Signing in...": "Signing in...",
"Failed to log in": "Failed to log in",
"Signing in automatically...": "Signing in automatically..."
"member": {
"'s all created topics": "'s all created topics",
"'s all topics": "est tous les sujets",
"'s latest replies": "'s latest replies",
"'s more replies": "a plus de réponses",
"'s more topics": "'s more topics",
"'s topic": "s topic",
"All Replies": "Toutes les réponses",
"All Topics": "Tous les sujets",
"Cancel Following": "Annuler les abonnements",
"No.": "Non.",
"Sign In Again": "Reconnectez-vous",
"Sign Out": "Déconnexion",
"Switch topic list": "Changer la liste des sujets",
"Today's ranking": "Today's ranking:",
"Total Replies": "Nombre de réponses",
"Total Topics": "Total des sujets",
"Watch": "Regarder",
"You have signed out completely, no personal information is left on this computer.": "You have signed out completely, no personal information is left on this computer.",
"authorized to manage the community": "autorisé à gérer la communauté",
"member": "member",
"member, joined on": "membre, a rejoint le",
"replied": "a répondu"
"mission": {
"Check my account balance": "Vérifier le solde de mon compte",
"Daily checkin bonus": "Bonus de check-in quotidien",
"Daily checkin bonus has been received": "Le Bonus d'Enregistrement Quotidien a été reçu",
"Daily tasks": "Tâches quotidiennes",
"Logged in continuously": "Connecté en continu",
"Receive X copper coins": "Recevoir X pièces de cuivre",
"Successfully received daily checkin bonus": "Reçu avec succès le bonus d'authentification quotidienne"
"move": {
"Current node": "Noeud actuel",
"Move": "Déplacer",
"Move topic": "Déplacer le sujet",
"Target node": "Target node",
"Title": "Titre de la page",
"Topic": "Sujet",
"You cannot move this topic.": "Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer ce sujet."
"new": {
"Already enabled Markdown": "Markdown déjà activé",
"Body": "Corps",
"Hottest Nodes": "Noeuds les plus chauds",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"New Topic": "Nouveau sujet",
"Please input the topic title. The body can be empty if the title expresses the full idea": "Please input the topic title. The body can be empty if the title expresses the full idea",
"Please select a node": "Veuillez sélectionner un noeud",
"Preview": "Aperçu",
"Publish": "Publier",
"Publishing...": "Publishing...",
"RichText": "RichText",
"Switch editor": "Changer d'éditeur",
"Topic Title": "Titre du sujet"
"newNodeTopic": {
"Preview": "Aperçu",
"Publish": "Publier"
"node": {
"Add": "Ajouter",
"Add moderator": "Ajouter un modérateur",
"Add moderator success": "Ajout du modérateur réussi",
"Add new node": "Ajouter un nouveau noeud",
"Adding image failed": "L'ajout de l'image a échoué",
"All topics": "Tous les sujets",
"Background color": "Couleur d'arrière-plan",
"Background image": "Image d'arrière-plan",
"Background repeat": "Répétition de l'arrière-plan",
"Cancel moderator permissions": "Annuler les autorisations du modérateur",
"Change background image": "Changer l'image d'arrière-plan",
"Change header image": "Changer l'image d'en-tête",
"Change image": "Changer l'image",
"Creat node success": "Le noeud a été créé avec succès",
"Create": "Créer",
"Created time": "Date de création",
"Delete moderator success": "Suppression du modérateur réussie",
"Description": "Libellé",
"Google Group Cookie": "Cookie Google Group",
"Header image": "Image de l'en-tête",
"Hot": "Chaud",
"Ignore this node": "Ignorer ce noeud",
"Image": "Image",
"Is hidden": "Est caché",
"Mailing List": "Mailing List Admin Email",
"Manage": "Gérer",
"Manage moderators": "Gérer les modérateurs",
"Moderator": "Node moderator",
"Moderator Management": "Gestion des modérateurs",
"Moderators": "Modérateurs",
"New node": "Nouveau noeud",
"No mailing list yet": "Pas encore de liste de diffusion",
"No moderators": "Aucun modérateur",
"No node yet": "Pas encore de noeud",
"Node ID": "Nœud ID",
"Node management": "Gestion des nœuds",
"Node name": "Nom du noeud",
"Node navigation": "Node navigation",
"Not set": "Non défini",
"Parent node": "Noeud parent",
"Plane": "Plan",
"Please go to the background page to continue to improve the information and submit": "Please go to the background page to continue to improve the information and submit",
"Preview": "Aperçu",
"Publish": "Publier",
"Related links": "Liens connexes",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"Set background image": "Définir l'image d'arrière-plan",
"Set header image": "Définir l'image d'en-tête",
"Set image": "Définir l'image",
"Sorter": "Tri",
"Tab": "Tab",
"Topic": "Topic",
"Topics in the ignored nodes will not appear on the homepage.": "Topics in the ignored nodes will not appear on the homepage.",
"Total favorites": "Total des favoris",
"Total nodes": "Nombre total de nœuds",
"Total topics": "Total topics:",
"Update node information success": "Mise à jour des informations du noeud réussie",
"View all nodes": "Voir tous les nœuds",
"all": "Tous",
"hot": "chaud",
"members have added this node to favorites": "members have added this node to favorites",
"new topic": "nouveau sujet",
"of all": "of all",
"to": "à",
"topics": "Sujets"
"notification": {
"Delete": "Supprimez",
"Favorite you topic": "Favorisez votre sujet",
"Mentioned you in": "Vous a mentionné dans",
"Mentioned you in topic": "Vous a mentionné dans le sujet",
"Reminder system": "Système de rappel",
"Replied to you in": "Vous avez répondu dans",
"Replies in": "Réponses dans",
"Thanks for you topic": "Merci pour votre sujet",
"Thanks for your reply in topic": "Merci pour votre réponse au sujet",
"Total reminders received": "Total des rappels reçus"
"plane": {
"Add new plane": "Ajouter un nouveau plan",
"Background color": "Couleur d'arrière-plan",
"Change image": "Changer l'image",
"Creat plane success": "Plan de création réussi",
"Create": "Créer",
"Created time": "Date de création",
"Currently the number of nodes under the plane is": "Currently the number of nodes under the plane is",
"Decide the order of node navigation": "Decide the order of node navigation",
"Delete": "Supprimez",
"Delete plane": "Supprimer l'avion",
"Font color": "Font color",
"Image": "Image",
"Invisible": "Invisible",
"Manage": "Gérer",
"New plane": "Nouvel avion",
"No node yet": "Pas encore de noeud",
"No plant yet": "Aucune plante pour le moment",
"Nodes": "Nodes",
"Not set": "Non défini",
"Plane ID": "ID du plan",
"Plane list": "Liste des plans",
"Plane management": "Gestion des plans",
"Plane name": "Nom du plan",
"Please delete all the nodes or move to another plane before deleting the plane": "Please delete all the nodes or move to another plane before deleting the plane",
"Please go to the display page to continue to improve the information and submit": "Please go to the display page to continue to improve the information and submit",
"Preview": "Aperçu",
"Restore": "Restaurer",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"Set image": "Définir l'image",
"Sorter": "Tri",
"This plane will not appear on the node navigation": "This plane will not appear on the node navigation",
"Total nodes": "Nombre total de nœuds",
"Total planes": "Total des avions",
"Update plane information success": "Mise à jour des informations de plan réussie",
"Visible": "Visible",
"nodes": "nodes",
"nodes now and growing.": "des nœuds maintenant et en pleine croissance.",
"success": "success"
"poster": {
"Advertiser": "Annonceur",
"Link": "Lier",
"Picture link": "Lien de l'image",
"Poster management": "Gestion des affiches",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"Update frontconf information success": "Mise à jour des informations frontconf réussie",
"Update poster information success": "Mise à jour des informations de l'affiche réussie"
"reply": {
"Add a New Comment": "Ajouter un nouveau commentaire",
"Back to Top": "Retour en haut",
"Cancel reply to {username}": "Cancel reply to {username}",
"Delete": "Supprimez",
"Edit": "Editer",
"Make your comment helpful for others as much as possible": "Rendre votre commentaire plus utile pour les autres autant que possible",
"No reply yet": "Pas encore de réponse",
"Please resolve the following issues before submitting": "Veuillez résoudre les problèmes suivants avant de soumettre",
"Reply": "Répondre",
"Sign in": "Se connecter",
"Sign up": "S'inscrire",
"Undock": "Débrancher",
"ignore": "Ignorer",
"replies": "Réponses",
"thank": "Merci",
"thanked": "remercié"
"search": {
"Click here to search in ": "Cliquez ici pour rechercher dans ",
"No topics found": "Aucun sujet trouvé",
"Press Enter to search in site.": "Appuyez sur Entrée pour rechercher dans le site.",
"loading...": "chargement en cours..."
"sensitive": {
"new sensitive": "New Sensitive Word",
"sensitive management": "Sensitive Management"
"signout": {
"Are you sure to log out?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter ?"
"tab": {
", the number of posts is": ", le nombre de messages est",
"Add new tab": "Ajouter un nouvel onglet",
"Creat tab success": "Onglet créé avec succès",
"Create": "Créer",
"Created time": "Date de création",
"Currently the number of nodes under the tab is": "Currently the number of nodes under the tab is",
"Decide the order of node navigation and homepage": "Decide the order of node navigation and homepage",
"Default node": "Noeud par défaut",
"Delete": "Supprimez",
"Delete tab": "Supprimer l'onglet",
"Home page": "Page d'accueil",
"Manage": "Gérer",
"New tab": "New tab",
"No node exists in this tab": "Aucun noeud n'existe dans cet onglet",
"No tab yet": "Pas encore d'onglet",
"Please delete all the nodes and posts under the tab before deleting the tab": "Please delete all the nodes and posts under the tab before deleting the tab",
"Please select a default node": "Please select a default node",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"Sorter": "Tri",
"Tab ID": "Tab ID",
"Tab management": "Gestion des onglets",
"Tab name": "Tab name",
"The default node when creating a topic on the homepage": "The default node when creating a topic on the homepage",
"Total nodes": "Nombre total de nœuds",
"Total tabs": "Total des onglets",
"Total topics": "Total des sujets",
"Update tab information success": "Mise à jour des informations de l'onglet réussie",
"hidden": "hidden",
"nodes": "nodes",
"show": "afficher",
"success": "success",
"topics": "Sujets"
"tag": {
"No related pages with tags": "Aucune page liée avec des tags"
"theme": {
"Choose theme": "Choisir le thème",
"Default": "Défaut",
"v2ex-zhihu-theme": "v2ex-zhihu-theme"
"topic": {
"Appendable": "Ajoutable",
"Are you sure to cancel top this topic?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler ce sujet en haut ?",
"Are you sure to top this topic?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir placer ce sujet en tête ?",
"Are you sure you want to pin this topic for": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir épingler ce sujet pour",
"Author": "Auteur",
"Cancel Favor": "Annuler la faveur",
"Cancel Subscribe": "Cancel Subscribe",
"CancelHomePageTop": "CancelHomePageTop",
"CancelNodeTop": "Annuler le début du nœud",
"CancelTabTop": "Annuler la table en haut",
"Content": "Contenus",
"Create a Post": "Créer un message",
"Created time": "Date de création",
"Creator": "Créateur",
"Deleted": "Supprimé",
"Edit": "Editer",
"Editable": "Modifiable",
"Favor": "Faveur",
"Favorite count": "Nombre de favoris",
"Following are some guides to help you better use the topic management related functions of the": "Following are some guides to help you better use the topic management related functions of the",
"Hit count": "Nombre de clics",
"HomePageTop": "Top page d'accueil",
"Homepage Topping": "Surface de la page d'accueil",
"Hot": "Chaud",
"How long do you want to top this topic? (minute)": "Combien de temps voulez-vous placer ce sujet en tête ? (minute)",
"If you are not satisfied with the content, within 10 minutes of creation, you can": "If you are not satisfied with the content, within 10 minutes of creation, you can",
"Ignore": "Ignorer",
"Last": "Dernier",
"Last reply time": "Heure de dernière réponse",
"Last reply user": "Derniere réponse utilisateur",
"More Topics": " More Topics",
"Movable": "Déplaçable",
"Move topic": "Déplacer le sujet",
"Next": "Suivant",
"Node": "Noeud",
"Node Topping": "Garniture de nœud",
"Node usage help": "Aide sur l'utilisation du noeud",
"NodeTop": "Haut du nœud",
"Normal": "Normale",
"Please change the basic information through the topic page": "Veuillez modifier les informations de base à travers la page du sujet",
"Post a Question": "Poster une question",
"Recent Topics": "Sujets récents",
"Related resources": "Ressources connexes",
"Remaining time to top": "Temps restant avant",
"Reply count": "Nombre de réponses",
"Search": "Chercher",
"Show deleted topics": "Afficher les sujets supprimés",
"Sink": "Évier",
"Status": "Statut",
"Sticky state": "État épinglé",
"Subscribe": "Subscribe",
"Tab Topping": "Tabulation des onglets",
"TabTop": "TabTop",
"Text syntax format": "Format de syntaxe du texte",
"Thank": "Remerciements",
"Thanked": "Remerciements",
"The new topic has been successfully created on the": "The new topic has been successfully created on the",
"The topic is currently at": "Le sujet est actuellement à",
"This is a topic created": "Ceci est un sujet créé",
"This topic has been topped": "Ce sujet a été remplacé",
"Title": "Titre de la page",
"Top": "En haut",
"Top this topic": "Top ce sujet",
"Topic ID": "ID du sujet",
"Topic created": "Sujet créé",
"Topic management": "Gestion des sujets",
"Topic meta information": "Méta-information du sujet",
"Total Topics": "Total des sujets",
"Treatment of link handling type spam": "Traitement du type de traitement des liens spam",
"Unknown status": "Statut inconnu",
"Virtual currency system": "Système de devises virtuelles",
"community": "communauté",
"days ago, the information in it may have changed.": "Il y a quelques jours, l'information contenue dans ce document pourrait avoir changé.",
"edit topic": "éditer le sujet",
"favorites": "favoris",
"hits": "hits",
"last reply from": "dernière réponse de",
"minutes": "minutes",
"minutes? The operation price is 200 copper coins.": "minutes? The operation price is 200 copper coins.",
"move freely": "se déplacer librement",
"node, within 10 minutes after creation, you can": "node, within 10 minutes after creation, you can",
"node, you can click on the title below to continue to view": "node, you can click on the title below to continue to view",
"words": "mots"
"translator": {
"Add translator information success": "Les informations du traducteur ont été ajoutées avec succès",
"Delete": "Supprimez",
"Delete translator success": "Suppression du traducteur réussie",
"Disable": "Désactiver",
"Enable": "Activer",
"Key": "Clés",
"No translator yet": "Pas encore de traducteur",
"Please disable it first": "Veuillez d'abord le désactiver",
"Please input id": "Veuillez saisir l'id",
"Please input key": "Veuillez saisir la clé",
"Please input name": "Veuillez saisir un nom",
"Please select a translator api": "Veuillez sélectionner une api de traducteur",
"Please select a translator platform": "Veuillez sélectionner une plateforme de traducteurs",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"Translation API": "API de traduction",
"Translation Platform": "Plateforme de traduction",
"Translation Platform ID": "Platform ID",
"Translation Platform Name": "Platform Name",
"Translator management": "Gestion des traducteurs",
"Update translator information success": "Update translator information success",
"Visible": "Visible"