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// Copyright 2020 The casbin Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package object
import (
type Reply struct {
Id int `xorm:"int notnull pk autoincr" json:"id"`
Author string `xorm:"varchar(100) index" json:"author"`
TopicId int `xorm:"int index" json:"topicId"`
ParentId int `xorm:"int" json:"parentId"`
Tags []string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"tags"`
CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(40)" json:"createdTime"`
Deleted bool `xorm:"bool" json:"deleted"`
IsHidden bool `xorm:"bool" json:"isHidden"`
ThanksNum int `xorm:"int" json:"thanksNum"`
EditorType string `xorm:"varchar(40)" json:"editorType"`
Content string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"content"`
Ip string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"ip"`
State string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"state"`
GitterMessageId string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"gitterMessageId"`
var enableNestedReply, _ = beego.AppConfig.Bool("enableNestedReply")
// GetReplyCount returns all replies num so far, both deleted and not deleted.
func GetReplyCount() int {
count, err := adapter.Engine.Count(&Reply{})
if err != nil {
return int(count)
// @Title GetReplies
// @router /get-replies [get]
// @Description GetReplies returns more information about reply of a topic.
// @Tag Reply API
func GetReplies(topicId int, user *auth.User, limit int, page int) ([]*ReplyWithAvatar, int) {
replies := []*ReplyWithAvatar{}
realPage := page
err := adapter.Engine.Table("reply").
Join("LEFT OUTER", "consumption_record", "consumption_record.object_id = and consumption_record.consumption_type = ?", 5).
Where("reply.topic_id = ?", topicId).
Cols("reply.*, consumption_record.amount").
if err != nil {
for _, reply := range replies {
reply.Avatar = getUserAvatar(reply.Author)
isAdmin := CheckIsAdmin(user)
for _, v := range replies {
v.ThanksStatus = v.ConsumptionAmount != 0
v.Deletable = isAdmin || ReplyDeletable(v.CreatedTime, GetUserName(user), v.Author)
v.Editable = isAdmin || GetReplyEditableStatus(GetUserName(user), v.Author, v.CreatedTime)
var resultReplies []*ReplyWithAvatar
if enableNestedReply {
replies = bulidReplies(replies)
//Use limit to calculate offset
//If limit is 2, but the first reply have 2 child replies(3 replies)
//We need put these replies to offset, so cannot use (page * limit) to calculate offset
pageLimit := limit
for index, reply := range replies {
replyLen := getReplyLen(reply)
//Ignore replies until page == 1
if page > 1 {
//Calculate limit in every ignore page
pageLimit -= replyLen
//Get replices for init == true(get the latest replies)
resultReplies = append(resultReplies, reply)
if pageLimit <= 0 {
pageLimit = limit
if index+1 < len(replies) {
//If the page is a usable value when we get the latest replies, clear the result
resultReplies = nil
} else if limit > 0 {
//if page == 1, prove that we are processing current page now
//So we can only calculate the limit and put replies to result slice
limit -= replyLen
resultReplies = append(resultReplies, reply)
} else {
//if page == 1, and limit < 0, prove that we get all replies in this page now
if page > 0 {
realPage -= page
} else {
offset := page*limit - limit
for _, reply := range replies {
if offset > 0 {
} else {
if limit > 0 {
resultReplies = append(resultReplies, reply)
} else {
return resultReplies, realPage
func makeReplyTree(replies []*ReplyWithAvatar, reply *ReplyWithAvatar) bool {
if len(replies) == 0 {
return false
for _, r := range replies {
if r.Id == reply.ParentId {
r.Child = append(r.Child, reply)
return true
} else {
if makeReplyTree(r.Child, reply) {
return true
return false
func getReplyLen(reply *ReplyWithAvatar) int {
replyLen := 1
for _, child := range reply.Child {
replyLen += getReplyLen(child)
return replyLen
func bulidReplies(replies []*ReplyWithAvatar) []*ReplyWithAvatar {
var childReplies []*ReplyWithAvatar
var repliesResult []*ReplyWithAvatar
for _, reply := range replies {
if reply.ParentId != 0 {
childReplies = append(childReplies, reply)
} else {
repliesResult = append(repliesResult, reply)
if reply.Deleted {
reply.Content = ""
replies = repliesResult
for _, child := range childReplies {
makeReplyTree(replies, child)
return replies
func GetRepliesOfTopic(topicId int) []Reply {
var ret []Reply
err := adapter.Engine.Where("topic_id = ?", topicId).And("deleted = ?", 0).Find(&ret)
if err != nil {
return ret
// GetTopicReplyNum returns topic's reply num.
func GetTopicReplyNum(topicId int) int {
var total int64
var err error
reply := new(Reply)
total, err = adapter.Engine.Where("topic_id = ?", topicId).And("deleted = ?", 0).Count(reply)
if err != nil {
return int(total)
// GetReplyByContentAndAuthor returns reply by content and author.
func GetReplyByContentAndAuthor(content string, author string) []*Reply {
var ret []*Reply
err := adapter.Engine.Where("content = ?", content).And("author = ?", author).Find(&ret)
if err != nil {
return ret
// GetLatestReplyInfo returns topic's latest reply information.
func GetLatestReplyInfo(topicId int) *Reply {
var reply Reply
exist, err := adapter.Engine.Where("topic_id = ?", topicId).And("deleted = ?", false).Desc("created_time").Limit(1).Omit("content").Get(&reply)
if err != nil {
if exist {
return &reply
return nil
// GetReply returns a single reply.
func GetReply(id int) *Reply {
reply := Reply{Id: id}
existed, err := adapter.Engine.Get(&reply)
if err != nil {
if existed {
return &reply
return nil
// GetReplyWithDetails returns more information about reply, including avatar, thanks status, deletable and editable.
func GetReplyWithDetails(user *auth.User, id int) *ReplyWithAvatar {
reply := ReplyWithAvatar{}
existed, err := adapter.Engine.Table("reply").
Join("LEFT OUTER", "consumption_record", "consumption_record.object_id = and consumption_record.consumption_type = ?", 5).
Id(id).Cols("reply.*, consumption_record.amount").Get(&reply)
if err != nil {
reply.Avatar = getUserAvatar(reply.Author)
isAdmin := CheckIsAdmin(user)
if existed {
reply.ThanksStatus = reply.ConsumptionAmount != 0
reply.Deletable = isAdmin || ReplyDeletable(reply.CreatedTime, GetUserName(user), reply.Author)
reply.Editable = isAdmin || GetReplyEditableStatus(GetUserName(user), reply.Author, reply.CreatedTime)
return &reply
return nil
func GetReplyId() int {
reply := new(Reply)
_, err := adapter.Engine.Desc("created_time").Omit("content").Limit(1).Get(reply)
if err != nil {
res := util.ParseInt(reply.Id) + 1
return res
// UpdateReply updates reply's all field.
func UpdateReply(id int, reply *Reply) bool {
if GetReply(id) == nil {
return false
reply.Content = FilterUnsafeHTML(reply.Content)
_, err := adapter.Engine.Id(id).AllCols().Update(reply)
if err != nil {
//return affected != 0
return true
// UpdateReplyWithLimitCols updates reply's not null field.
func UpdateReplyWithLimitCols(id int, reply *Reply) bool {
if GetReply(id) == nil {
return false
reply.Content = FilterUnsafeHTML(reply.Content)
_, err := adapter.Engine.Id(id).Update(reply)
if err != nil {
//return affected != 0
return true
// AddReply returns add reply result and reply id.
func AddReply(reply *Reply) (bool, int) {
//reply.Content = strings.ReplaceAll(reply.Content, "\n", "<br/>")
reply.Content = FilterUnsafeHTML(reply.Content)
affected, err := adapter.Engine.Insert(reply)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0, reply.Id
func AddReplies(replies []*Reply) bool {
affected, err := adapter.Engine.Insert(replies)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
func AddRepliesInBatch(relies []*Reply) bool {
batchSize := 1000
if len(relies) == 0 {
return false
affected := false
for i := 0; i < (len(relies)-1)/batchSize+1; i++ {
start := i * batchSize
end := (i + 1) * batchSize
if end > len(relies) {
end = len(relies)
tmp := relies[start:end]
fmt.Printf("Add relies: [%d - %d].\n", start, end)
if AddReplies(tmp) {
affected = true
return affected
func DeleteReply(id string) bool {
affected, err := adapter.Engine.Id(id).Delete(&Reply{})
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
func DeleteRepliesHardByTopicId(topicId int) bool {
affected, err := adapter.Engine.Where("topic_id = ?", topicId).Delete(&Reply{})
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
// DeleteReply soft delete reply.
func DeleteReply(id int) bool {
reply := new(Reply)
reply.Deleted = true
affected, err := adapter.Engine.Id(id).Cols("deleted").Update(reply)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
// GetLatestReplies returns member's latest replies.
func GetLatestReplies(author string, limit int, offset int) []*LatestReply {
replys := []*LatestReply{}
err := adapter.Engine.Table("reply").Join("LEFT OUTER", "topic", " = reply.topic_id").
Where(" = ?", author).And("reply.deleted = ?", 0).
Cols("reply.content,, reply.created_time,, topic.node_id, topic.node_name, topic.title,").
Limit(limit, offset).Find(&replys)
if err != nil {
return replys
// GetMemberRepliesNum returns member's all replies num.
func GetMemberRepliesNum(memberId string) int {
var total int64
var err error
reply := new(Reply)
total, err = adapter.Engine.Where("author = ?", memberId).And("deleted = ?", 0).Count(reply)
if err != nil {
return int(total)
// GetReplyTopicTitle only returns reply's topic title.
func GetReplyTopicTitle(id int) string {
topic := Topic{Id: id}
existed, err := adapter.Engine.Cols("title").Get(&topic)
if err != nil {
if existed {
return topic.Title
return ""
// GetReplyAuthor only returns reply's topic author.
func GetReplyAuthor(id int) *auth.User {
reply := Reply{Id: id}
existed, err := adapter.Engine.Cols("author").Get(&reply)
if err != nil {
if !existed {
return nil
return GetUser(reply.Author)
// AddReplyThanksNum updates reply's thanks num.
func AddReplyThanksNum(id int) bool {
affected, err := adapter.Engine.ID(id).Incr("thanks_num", 1).Update(Reply{})
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
// ReplyDeletable checks whether the reply can be deleted.
func ReplyDeletable(date, memberId, author string) bool {
if memberId != author {
return false
t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05+08:00", date)
if err != nil {
return false
h, _ := time.ParseDuration("-1h")
t = t.Add(8 * h)
now := time.Now()
if now.Sub(t).Minutes() > ReplyDeletableTime {
return false
return true
// GetReplyEditableStatus checks whether the reply can be edited.
func GetReplyEditableStatus(member, author, createdTime string) bool {
if member != author {
return false
t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05+08:00", createdTime)
if err != nil {
return false
h, _ := time.ParseDuration("-1h")
t = t.Add(8 * h)
now := time.Now()
if now.Sub(t).Minutes() > ReplyEditableTime {
return false
return true
func SearchReplies(keyword string) []Reply {
var ret []Reply
keyword = fmt.Sprintf("%%%s%%", keyword)
err := adapter.Engine.Where("deleted = 0").Where("content like ?", keyword).Find(&ret)
if err != nil {
return ret