
588 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2020 The casbin Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package object
import (
type Topic struct {
Id int `xorm:"int notnull pk autoincr" json:"id"`
Author string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"author"`
NodeId string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"nodeId"`
NodeName string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"nodeName"`
Title string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"title"`
CreatedTime string `xorm:"varchar(40)" json:"createdTime"`
Tags []string `xorm:"varchar(200)" json:"tags"`
LastReplyUser string `xorm:"varchar(100)" json:"lastReplyUser"`
LastReplyTime string `xorm:"varchar(40)" json:"lastReplyTime"`
ReplyCount int `json:"replyCount"`
UpCount int `json:"upCount"`
HitCount int `json:"hitCount"`
Hot int `json:"hot"`
FavoriteCount int `json:"favoriteCount"`
HomePageTopTime string `xorm:"varchar(40)" json:"homePageTopTime"`
TabTopTime string `xorm:"varchar(40)" json:"tabTopTime"`
NodeTopTime string `xorm:"varchar(40)" json:"nodeTopTime"`
Deleted bool `xorm:"bool" json:"-"`
Content string `xorm:"mediumtext" json:"content"`
func GetTopicCount() int {
count, err := adapter.engine.Count(&Topic{})
if err != nil {
return int(count)
func GetTopicNum() int {
count, err := adapter.engine.Where("deleted = ?", 0).Count(&Topic{})
if err != nil {
return int(count)
func GetCreatedTopicsNum(memberId string) int {
topic := new(Topic)
total, err := adapter.engine.Where("author = ?", memberId).And("deleted = ?", 0).Count(topic)
if err != nil {
return int(total)
func GetTopics(limit int, offset int) []*TopicWithAvatar {
topics := []*Topic{}
err := adapter.engine.Desc("home_page_top_time").Desc("last_reply_time").Desc("created_time").And("deleted = ?", 0).Omit("content").Limit(limit, offset).Find(&topics)
if err != nil {
res := []*TopicWithAvatar{}
for _, v := range topics {
temp := TopicWithAvatar{
Topic: *v,
Avatar: GetMemberAvatar(v.Author),
res = append(res, &temp)
return res
// GetTopicsAdmin *sort: 1 means Asc, 2 means Desc, 0 means no effect.
func GetTopicsAdmin(usernameSearchKw, titleSearchKw, contentSearchKw, showDeletedTopic, createdTimeSort, lastReplySort, usernameSort, replyCountSort, hotSort, favCountSort string, limit int, offset int) ([]*AdminTopicInfo, int) {
topics := []*Topic{}
db := adapter.engine.Table("topic")
// created time sort
switch createdTimeSort {
case "1":
db = db.Asc("created_time")
case "2":
db = db.Desc("created_time")
// last reply time sort
switch lastReplySort {
case "1":
db = db.Asc("last_reply_time")
case "2":
db = db.Desc("last_reply_time")
// author sort
switch usernameSort {
case "1":
db = db.Asc("author")
case "2":
db = db.Desc("author")
// reply count sort
switch replyCountSort {
case "1":
db = db.Asc("reply_count")
case "2":
db = db.Desc("reply_count")
// hot sort
switch hotSort {
case "1":
db = db.Asc("hot")
case "2":
db = db.Desc("hot")
// favorite count sort
switch favCountSort {
case "1":
db = db.Asc("favorite_count")
case "2":
db = db.Desc("favorite_count")
if usernameSearchKw != "" {
unKw := util.SplitWords(usernameSearchKw)
for _, v := range unKw {
db.Or("author like ?", "%"+v+"%")
if titleSearchKw != "" {
tiKw := util.SplitWords(titleSearchKw)
for _, v := range tiKw {
db.Or("title like ?", "%"+v+"%")
if contentSearchKw != "" {
coKw := util.SplitWords(contentSearchKw)
for _, v := range coKw {
db.Or("content like ?", "%"+v+"%")
if showDeletedTopic == "0" {
db = db.Where("deleted = ?", 0)
num, err := db.Limit(limit, offset).FindAndCount(&topics, &Topic{})
if err != nil {
var res []*AdminTopicInfo
for _, v := range topics {
temp := AdminTopicInfo{
Topic: *v,
Deleted: v.Deleted,
res = append(res, &temp)
return res, int(num)
func GetTopicWithAvatar(id int, memberId string) *TopicWithAvatar {
topic := Topic{Id: id}
existed, err := adapter.engine.Get(&topic)
if err != nil {
if !existed {
return nil
res := TopicWithAvatar{
Topic: topic,
Avatar: GetMemberAvatar(topic.Author),
ThanksStatus: GetThanksStatus(memberId, id, 4),
Editable: GetTopicEditableStatus(memberId, topic.Author, topic.NodeId, topic.CreatedTime),
return &res
func GetTopic(id int) *Topic {
topic := Topic{Id: id}
existed, err := adapter.engine.Get(&topic)
if err != nil {
if existed {
return &topic
} else {
return nil
func GetTopicAdmin(id int) *AdminTopicInfo {
topic := Topic{Id: id}
existed, err := adapter.engine.Get(&topic)
if err != nil {
if existed {
return &AdminTopicInfo{
Topic: topic,
Deleted: topic.Deleted,
} else {
return nil
func GetTopicTitle(id int) string {
topic := Topic{Id: id}
existed, err := adapter.engine.Cols("title").Get(&topic)
if err != nil {
if existed {
return topic.Title
} else {
return ""
func GetTopicAuthor(id int) string {
topic := Topic{Id: id}
existed, err := adapter.engine.Cols("author").Get(&topic)
if err != nil {
if existed {
return topic.Author
} else {
return ""
func GetTopicNodeId(id int) string {
topic := Topic{Id: id}
existed, err := adapter.engine.Cols("node_id").Get(&topic)
if err != nil {
if existed {
return topic.NodeId
} else {
return ""
func GetTopicsWithNode(nodeId string, limit int, offset int) []*NodeTopic {
topics := []*Topic{}
err := adapter.engine.Desc("node_top_time").Desc("last_reply_time").Desc("created_time").Where("node_id = ?", nodeId).And("deleted = ?", 0).Limit(limit, offset).Find(&topics)
if err != nil {
res := []*NodeTopic{}
for _, v := range topics {
temp := NodeTopic{
Topic: *v,
Avatar: GetMemberAvatar(v.Author),
ContentLength: len(v.Content),
temp.Content = ""
res = append(res, &temp)
return res
func UpdateTopic(id int, topic *Topic) bool {
if GetTopic(id) == nil {
return false
_, err := adapter.engine.Id(id).AllCols().Update(topic)
if err != nil {
//return affected != 0
return true
func UpdateTopicWithLimitCols(id int, topic *Topic) bool {
if GetTopic(id) == nil {
return false
_, err := adapter.engine.Id(id).Update(topic)
if err != nil {
//return affected != 0
return true
// AddTopic return add topic result and topic id
func AddTopic(topic *Topic) (bool, int) {
affected, err := adapter.engine.Insert(topic)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0, topic.Id
func DeleteTopic(id string) bool {
affected, err := adapter.engine.Id(id).Delete(&Topic{})
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
func DeleteTopic(id int) bool {
topic := new(Topic)
topic.Deleted = true
affected, err := adapter.engine.Id(id).Cols("deleted").Update(topic)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
func GetTopicId() int {
topic := new(Topic)
_, err := adapter.engine.Desc("created_time").Omit("content").Limit(1).Get(topic)
if err != nil {
res := util.ParseInt(topic.Id) + 1
return res
func GetAllCreatedTopics(author string, tab string, limit int, offset int) []*Topic {
topics := []*Topic{}
err := adapter.engine.Desc("created_time").Where("author = ?", author).And("deleted = ?", 0).Omit("content").Limit(limit, offset).Find(&topics)
if err != nil {
return topics
func AddTopicHitCount(topicId int) bool {
topic := GetTopic(topicId)
if topic == nil {
return false
affected, err := adapter.engine.Id(topicId).Cols("hit_count").Update(topic)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
func ChangeTopicFavoriteCount(topicId int, num int) bool {
topic := GetTopic(topicId)
if topic == nil {
return false
topic.FavoriteCount += num
affected, err := adapter.engine.Id(topicId).Cols("favorite_count").Update(topic)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
func ChangeTopicReplyCount(topicId int, num int) bool {
topic := GetTopic(topicId)
if topic == nil {
return false
topic.ReplyCount += num
affected, err := adapter.engine.Id(topicId).Cols("reply_count").Update(topic)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
func ChangeTopicLastReplyUser(topicId int, memberId string, updateTime bool) bool {
topic := GetTopic(topicId)
if topic == nil {
return false
topic.LastReplyUser = memberId
if updateTime {
topic.LastReplyTime = util.GetCurrentTime()
if len(memberId) == 0 {
topic.LastReplyTime = ""
affected, err := adapter.engine.Id(topicId).Cols("last_reply_user, last_reply_time").Update(topic)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
func GetTopicsWithTab(tab string, limit, offset int) []*TopicWithAvatar {
topics := []*Topic{}
res := []*TopicWithAvatar{}
if tab == "all" {
res = GetTopics(limit, offset)
} else {
err := adapter.engine.Table("topic").Join("INNER", "node", "topic.node_id =").Where("node.tab_id = ?", tab).Where("deleted = ?", 0).Desc("tab_top_time").Desc("topic.last_reply_time").Omit("content").Limit(limit, offset).Find(&topics)
if err != nil {
for _, v := range topics {
temp := TopicWithAvatar{
Topic: *v,
Avatar: GetMemberAvatar(v.Author),
res = append(res, &temp)
return res
func UpdateTopicHotInfo(topicId string, hot int) bool {
topic := new(Topic)
topic.Hot = hot
affected, err := adapter.engine.Id(topicId).Cols("hot").Update(topic)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
func GetHotTopic(limit int) []*TopicWithAvatar {
topics := []*Topic{}
err := adapter.engine.Desc("hot").And("deleted = ? ", 0).Limit(limit).Find(&topics)
if err != nil {
res := []*TopicWithAvatar{}
for _, v := range topics {
temp := TopicWithAvatar{
Topic: *v,
Avatar: GetMemberAvatar(v.Author),
res = append(res, &temp)
return res
func GetTopicEditableStatus(member, author, nodeId, createdTime string) bool {
if CheckModIdentity(member) || CheckNodeModerator(member, nodeId) {
return true
if member != author {
return false
t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05+08:00", createdTime)
if err != nil {
return false
h, _ := time.ParseDuration("-1h")
t = t.Add(8 * h)
now := time.Now()
if now.Sub(t).Minutes() > TopicEditableTime {
return false
return true
// ChangeTopicTopExpiredTime changes topic's top expired time.
// topType: tab, node or homePage.
func ChangeTopicTopExpiredTime(id int, date, topType string) bool {
topic := GetTopic(id)
if topic == nil {
return false
switch topType {
case "tab":
topic.TabTopTime = date
case "node":
topic.NodeTopTime = date
case "homePage":
topic.HomePageTopTime = date
affected, err := adapter.engine.Id(id).Cols("tab_top_time, node_top_time, home_page_top_time").Update(topic)
if err != nil {
return affected != 0
// ExpireTopTopic searches and expires expired top topic.
func ExpireTopTopic() int {
topics := []*Topic{}
err := adapter.engine.Where("tab_top_time != ?", "").Or("node_top_time != ?", "").Or("home_page_top_time != ?", "").Cols("id, tab_top_time, node_top_time, home_page_top_time").Find(&topics)
if err != nil {
var num int
date := util.GetCurrentTime()
for _, v := range topics {
if v.TabTopTime <= date {
res := ChangeTopicTopExpiredTime(v.Id, "", "tab")
if res {
if v.NodeTopTime <= date {
res := ChangeTopicTopExpiredTime(v.Id, "", "node")
if res {
if v.HomePageTopTime <= date {
res := ChangeTopicTopExpiredTime(v.Id, "", "homePage")
if res {
return num