
548 lines
19 KiB

"about": {
"About": "關於",
"Introduction": "簡介",
"Introduction-content": "Casnode 是 Casbin 開發者和用戶的官方論壇。它是一個開源輕論壇 ",
"Official website": "官網",
"Version": "版本"
"admin": {
"Asc": "升序",
"Backstage management": "後臺管理",
"Condition search": "條件搜索",
"Desc": "降序",
"FrontConf management": "前端配置管理",
"Get search result success": "獲取搜索結果成功",
"Hidden": "隱藏",
"Ignore": "忽略",
"Manage": "管理",
"Member management": "用戶管理",
"No matching data": "沒有匹配信息",
"Node management": "節點管理",
"Plane management": "位面管理",
"Poster management": "廣告管理",
"Sensitive management": "敏感詞管理",
"Show": "顯示",
"Sorter": "排序",
"Tab management": "類別管理",
"Topic management": "帖子管理",
"Translation management": "翻譯管理"
"balance": {
"'s daily checkin bonus": "的每日登錄獎勵",
"'s reply": "的回復",
"'s topic": "的主題",
"Account balance": "賬戶余額",
"Add balance": "將你的余額增加",
"Admin": "管理員",
"Admin revision": "管理員調整",
"Amount": "數額",
"Balance": "余額",
"Checkin bonus": "每日登錄獎勵",
"Consumption ranking": "社區消費排行榜",
"Create reply": "創建回復",
"Create topic": "創建主題",
"Created a": "創建了長度為",
"Current account balance": "當前賬戶余額",
"Description": "描述",
"Pin it to the top": "置頂",
"Received thanks": "收到謝意",
"Recharge": "充值",
"Reduce balance": "將你的余額減少",
"Reply in": "回復於",
"Rich ranking": "社區財富排行榜",
"Send thanks": "發送謝意",
"Thanks": "感謝",
"Thanks your reply in": "感謝你在",
"Thanks your topic": "感謝你發布的主題",
"Time": "時間",
"Top topic": "主題置頂",
"Topic response bonus": "主題回復收益",
"Topped topic": "對主題",
"Type": "類型",
"Wealth ranking": "社區財富排行榜",
"characters reply": "個字符的回復",
"characters topic": "個字符的主題",
"copper": "銅幣",
"receive": "收到"
"bar": {
"Ad": "Ad",
"Child nodes": "子節點",
"Community Stats": "社區運行狀況",
"Compose": "創作新主題",
"Consumption list": "消費排行榜",
"File library": "文件庫",
"For Existing Member": "已註冊用戶請",
"Hottest Nodes": "最熱節點",
"Member": "註冊會員",
"My Favorite Nodes": "我收藏的節點",
"Newest Nodes": "最近新增節點",
"Nodes": "節點收藏",
"Parent node": "父節點",
"Receive today's checkin bonus": "領取今日的登錄獎勵",
"Related nodes": "相關節點",
"Reply": "回復",
"Rich List": "財富排行榜",
"Sign In": "登錄",
"Sign Up Now": "現在註冊",
"Today Top 10": "今日熱議主題",
"Topic": "主題",
"Topics": "主題收藏",
"Watch": "特別關註",
"more child nodes": "個更多的相關子節點",
"more related nodes": "個更多的相關節點",
"show": "顯示",
"unread": "條未讀提醒"
"edit": {
"Edit content": "編輯內容",
"Edit reply": "編輯回復",
"Edit topic": "編輯主題",
"Save": "保存",
"You cannot edit this content.": "你不能編輯此內容。"
"error": {
"Back to": "返回",
"Back to Home Page": "返回主頁",
"File not found": "未找到該文件",
"Home Page": "主頁",
"Member does not exist": "用戶不存在",
"My profile": "我的個人主頁",
"Node not found": "節點未找到",
"Plane not found": "位面未找到",
"Reply content cannot be empty": "回復內容不能為空",
"Retry Sign Out": "重新登出",
"Tab not found": "類別未找到",
"The node is currently in invisible state.": "該節點目前位於一個隱藏位面中",
"Topic does not exist": "主題不存在",
"Topic not found": "主題未找到",
"Topic title cannot be empty": "主題標題不能為空",
"We had a problem when you signed out, please try again.": "登出有點問題,請重試一次"
"fav": {
"Add to favorite": "加入收藏",
"Cancel favorite": "取消收藏",
"Latest topics from people I followed": "我關註的人的最新主題",
"My Favorite Nodes": "我收藏的節點",
"My favorite topics": "我收藏的主題",
"Total nodes": "節點總數",
"Total topics": "主題總數"
"file": {
"'s file library": "的文件庫",
"Confirm to delete": "確認刪除",
"Delete": "刪除",
"Description": "簡介文字",
"Drop files here, or click upload": "拖拽文件至此,或者點擊上傳",
"Edit file information": "編輯文件信息",
"Edit information": "編輯信息",
"File title": "文件標題",
"No preview for this type of file": "此類型文件無預覽",
"Open in new window": "在新窗口打開",
"Privacy and content policy": "隱私及內容政策",
"Recharge to get more storage space": "充值獲得更多存儲空間",
"Support all types of files within 6MB": "支持 6MB 以內的所有類型文件",
"There are": "共有",
"Upload new file": "上傳新文件",
"Uploaded file": "已上傳文件",
"Uploading...": "上傳中......",
"You can upload": "你還可以上傳",
"file": "文件",
"files": "個文件",
"files now": "個文件",
"submit": "提交",
"upload": "上傳",
"uploading": "上傳中",
"views": "次查看"
"footer": {
"About": "關於",
"Advertise": "廣告投放",
"Community of Creators": "創意工作者們的社區",
"Highest": "最高記錄",
"Mission": "我們的願景",
"Online": "人在線",
"Select Editor": "選擇編輯器",
"Select Language": "選擇語言",
"Thanks": "感謝",
"Tools": "實用小工具"
"frontConf": {
"Footer Logo URL": "底部Logo圖片超鏈接",
"Footer Logo image": "底部Logo圖片",
"Footer subtitle": "底部建言",
"Footer title": "底部描述",
"Forum name": "論壇名字",
"Logo image": "Logo圖片",
"Reset": "重置",
"Right subtitle": "登錄欄子標題",
"Right title": "登錄欄標題",
"Save": "保存"
"general": {
"Admin": "後臺",
"Anonymous": "匿名",
"Home": "首頁",
"Homepage": "個人主頁",
"Language": "語言選擇",
"Navigation": "導航",
"Note": "記事本",
"Setting": "設置",
"Sign In": "登錄",
"Sign In to Comment": "登錄後評論",
"Sign Out": "登出",
"Sign Up": "註冊",
"Swagger": "API文檔",
"Timeline": "時間軸",
"false": "否",
"true": "是"
"loading": {
"Content loading": "內容正在加載",
"Data is loading...": "數據正在加載...",
"File is loading": "文件正在加載",
"Member profile is loading": "用戶資料正在加載",
"Node is loading": "節點正在加載",
"Page is loading": "頁面正在加載",
"Please wait patiently...": "請耐心等待......",
"Topic is loading": "主題正在加載"
"member": {
"'s all topics": "的所有主題",
"'s more replies": " 創建的更多回復",
"'s topic": "創建的主題",
"All Replies": "全部回復",
"All Topics": "全部主題",
"Cancel Following": "取消特別關註",
"No.": "第",
"ONLINE": "在線",
"Sign In Again": "重新登錄",
"Sign Out": "登出",
"Switch topic list": "切換主題列表",
"Today's ranking": "今日排行:",
"Total Replies": "回復總數",
"Total Topics": "主題總數",
"Watch": "加入特別關註",
"You have signed out completely, no personal information is left on this computer.": "你已經完全登出,沒有任何個人信息留在這臺電腦上。",
"authorized to manage the community": "具有管理社區的權限",
"member, joined on": "號會員,加入於",
"replied": "回復了"
"mission": {
"Check my account balance": "查看我的賬戶余額",
"Daily checkin bonus": "每日登錄獎勵",
"Daily checkin bonus has been received": "每日登錄獎勵已領取",
"Daily tasks": "日常任務",
"Logged in continuously": "已連續登錄",
"Receive X copper coins": "領取 X 銅幣",
"Successfully received daily checkin bonus": "已成功領取每日登錄獎勵"
"move": {
"Current node": "當前所在節點",
"Move": "移動",
"Move topic": "移動主題",
"Target node": "目標節點",
"Title": "標題",
"Topic": "主題",
"You cannot move this topic.": "你不能移動此主題。"
"new": {
"Already enabled Markdown": "已啟用Markdown",
"Body": "正文",
"Hottest Nodes": "最熱節點",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"New Topic": "創作新主題",
"Please select a node": "請選擇一個節點",
"Preview": "預覽主題",
"Publish": "發布主題",
"RichText": "富文本",
"Switch editor": "切換編輯器",
"Topic Title": "主題標題"
"newNodeTopic": {
"Preview": "預覽",
"Publish": "創建"
"node": {
"Add": "添加",
"Add moderator": "新增版主",
"Add moderator success": "添加版主成功",
"Add new node": "新增節點",
"Adding image failed": "添加圖片失敗",
"All topics": "全部主題",
"Background color": "背景顏色",
"Background image": "背景圖片",
"Background repeat": "背景圖片重復方式",
"Cancel moderator permissions": "取消版主權限",
"Change background image": "更改背景圖片",
"Change header image": "更改頭部圖片",
"Change image": "更改圖標",
"Creat node success": "創建節點成功",
"Create": "創建",
"Created time": "創建時間",
"Delete moderator success": "移除版主成功",
"Description": "簡介",
"Google Group Cookie": "Google Group Cookie",
"Header image": "頭部圖片",
"Hot": "熱度",
"Ignore this node": "忽略這個節點",
"Image": "圖標",
"Is hidden": "隱藏",
"Mailing List": "郵件列表管理員郵箱",
"Manage": "管理",
"Manage moderators": "管理版主",
"Moderator": "版主:",
"Moderator Management": "版主管理",
"Moderators": "已有版主",
"New node": "新增節點",
"No mailing list yet": "未設置郵件列表",
"No moderators": "暫無版主",
"No node yet": "暫無節點",
"Node ID": "節點 ID",
"Node management": "節點管理",
"Node name": "節點名稱",
"Node navigation": "節點導航",
"Not set": "未設定",
"Parent node": "父節點",
"Plane": "位面",
"Preview": "預覽",
"Publish": "創建新主題",
"Related links": "相關鏈接",
"Save": "保存",
"Set background image": "設置背景圖片",
"Set header image": "設置頭部圖片",
"Set image": "設置圖標",
"Sorter": "Sorter",
"Tab": "類別",
"Total favorites": "總收藏人數",
"Total nodes": "總節點數",
"Total topics": "主題總數",
"Update node information success": "更新節點信息成功",
"View all nodes": "瀏覽全部節點",
"all": "共",
"hot": "熱度",
"new topic": "創建新主題",
"to": "到",
"topics": "個主題"
"notification": {
"Delete": "刪除",
"Favorite you topic": "收藏了你發布的主題",
"Mentioned you in": "在",
"Mentioned you in topic": "在主題",
"Reminder system": "提醒系統",
"Replied to you in": "在",
"Replies in": "Replies in",
"Thanks for you topic": "感謝了你發布的主題",
"Thanks for your reply in topic": "感謝了你在主題",
"Total reminders received": "總共收到提醒"
"plane": {
"Add new plane": "新增位面",
"Background color": "背景顏色",
"Change image": "更換圖標",
"Creat plane success": "創建位面成功",
"Create": "創建",
"Created time": "創建時間",
"Delete": "刪除",
"Delete plane": "刪除位面",
"Font color": "文字顏色",
"Image": "圖標",
"Invisible": "隱藏",
"Manage": "管理",
"New plane": "新建位面",
"No node yet": "暫無節點",
"No plant yet": "暫無位面",
"Nodes": "節點",
"Not set": "未設定",
"Plane ID": "位面ID",
"Plane list": "位面列表",
"Plane management": "位面管理",
"Plane name": "位面名稱",
"Preview": "預覽",
"Restore": "恢復",
"Save": "保存",
"Set image": "設置圖標",
"Sorter": "排序",
"Total nodes": "節點總數",
"Total planes": "總位面",
"Update plane information success": "更新位面信息成功",
"Visible": "可見",
"nodes": "節點"
"poster": {
"Advertiser": "廣告商",
"Link": "鏈接",
"Picture link": "圖片鏈接",
"Poster management": "廣告管理",
"Save": "保存",
"Update frontconf information success": "更新前端設置成功",
"Update poster information success": "更新廣告信息成功"
"reply": {
"Add a New Comment": "添加一條新回復",
"Back to Top": "回到頂部",
"Cancel reply to {username}": "取消對 {username} 的回復",
"Delete": "刪除",
"Edit": "編輯",
"Make your comment helpful for others as much as possible": "請盡量讓自己的回復能夠對別人有幫助",
"No reply yet": "目前尚無回復",
"Please resolve the following issues before submitting": "創建新回復過程中遇到一些問題:",
"Reply": "回復",
"Sign in": "登錄",
"Sign up": "註冊",
"Undock": "取消回復框停靠",
"ignore": "隱藏",
"replies": "條回復",
"thank": "感謝回復者",
"thanked": "感謝已發送"
"search": {
"Click here to search in ": "點擊此處跳轉搜索:",
"No topics found": "沒有找到任何帖子",
"Press Enter to search in site.": "按回車鍵以在站內搜索。",
"loading...": "加載中..."
"sensitive": {
"new sensitive": "增加敏感詞",
"sensitive management": "敏感詞管理"
"signout": {
"Are you sure to log out?": "確定要登出?"
"tab": {
", the number of posts is": ",帖子個數為",
"Add new tab": "新建類別",
"Creat tab success": "創建類別成功",
"Create": "創建",
"Created time": "創建時間",
"Default node": "默認節點",
"Delete": "刪除",
"Delete tab": "刪除節點",
"Home page": "主頁",
"Manage": "管理",
"New tab": "新建類別",
"No node exists in this tab": "此類別下不存在節點",
"No tab yet": "暫無Tab",
"Save": "保存",
"Sorter": "類別排序",
"Tab ID": "類別 ID",
"Tab management": "類別管理",
"Tab name": "類別名稱",
"Total nodes": "節點總數",
"Total tabs": "總類別數",
"Total topics": "主題總數",
"Update tab information success": "更新類別信息成功",
"hidden": "隱藏",
"nodes": "節點",
"show": "顯示",
"topics": "主題"
"tag": {
"No related pages with tags": "標簽未收錄"
"topic": {
"Appendable": "可增加附言",
"Are you sure to cancel top this topic?": "你確認要取消置頂此主題?",
"Are you sure to top this topic?": "你確認要將此主題置頂?",
"Are you sure you want to pin this topic for": "你確認要將此主題置頂",
"Author": "作者",
"Cancel Favor": "取消收藏",
"CancelHomePageTop": "取消首頁置頂",
"CancelNodeTop": "取消節點置頂",
"CancelTabTop": "取消Tab置頂",
"Content": "內容",
"Create a Post": "發布我的新作品",
"Created time": "創建時間",
"Creator": "創建者",
"DELETE": "刪除",
"Deleted": "已被刪除",
"EDIT": "編輯",
"Edit": "編輯",
"Editable": "可被編輯",
"Favor": "加入收藏",
"Favorite count": "收藏數量",
"Hit count": "點擊量",
"HomePageTop": "首頁置頂",
"Homepage Topping": "首頁置頂",
"Hot": "熱度",
"How long do you want to top this topic? (minute)": "你想置頂此主題多久?(分鐘)",
"Ignore": "忽略主題",
"Last": "上一頁",
"Last reply time": "最新回復時間",
"Last reply user": "最新回復用戶",
"MOVE": "移動",
"More Topics": " 更多新主題",
"Movable": "可被移動",
"Move topic": "移動主題",
"Next": "下一頁",
"Node": "所在節點",
"Node Topping": "節點置頂",
"Node usage help": "節點使用幫助",
"NodeTop": "節點置頂",
"Normal": "正常",
"Please change the basic information through the topic page": "請通過主題頁面來更改部分信息",
"Post a Question": "我要提問",
"Recent Topics": "最近的主題",
"Related resources": "相關資源",
"Remaining time to top": "置頂狀態剩余時間",
"Reply count": "回復數量",
"Search": "搜索",
"Show deleted topics": "顯示已刪除的主題",
"Sink": "下沈",
"Status": "狀態",
"Sticky state": "是否處於置頂狀態",
"Tab Topping": "類別置頂",
"TabTop": "Tab置頂",
"Text syntax format": "正文語法格式",
"Thank": "感謝",
"Thanked": "已感謝",
"The topic is currently at": "主題當前位於",
"This is a topic created": "這是一個創建於",
"This topic has been topped": "此主題已置頂",
"Title": "標題",
"Top": "置頂",
"Top this topic": "置頂主題",
"Topic ID": "主題 ID",
"Topic created": "主題已創建",
"Topic management": "帖子管理",
"Topic meta information": "主題元信息",
"Total Topics": "主題總數",
"Treatment of link handling type spam": "對於鏈接搬運類型 spam 的處理",
"Unknown status": "未知狀態",
"Virtual currency system": "虛擬貨幣系統",
"community": "社區的主題管理相關功能:",
"days ago, the information in it may have changed.": "天前的主題,其中的信息可能已經有所發展或是發生改變。",
"edit topic": "編輯主題",
"favorites": "人收藏",
"hits": "次點擊",
"last reply from": "最後回復來自",
"minutes": "分鐘",
"move freely": "自由移動",
"words": "個字符"
"translator": {
"Add translator information success": "添加翻譯信息成功",
"Delete": "刪除",
"Delete translator success": "刪除翻譯平臺成功",
"Disable": "禁用",
"Enable": "啟用",
"Key": "Key",
"No translator yet": "暫無平臺",
"Please disable it first": "請先禁用該平臺",
"Please input id": "請輸入 ID",
"Please input key": "請輸入 key",
"Please input name": "請輸入平臺名稱",
"Please select a translator api": "請選擇翻譯 API",
"Please select a translator platform": "請選擇翻譯平臺",
"Save": "保存",
"Translation API": "翻譯 API",
"Translation Platform": "翻譯平臺",
"Translation Platform ID": "平臺 ID",
"Translation Platform Name": "平臺名稱",
"Translator management": "翻譯管理",
"Visible": "可見性"