
855 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright 2021 The casbin Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package controllers
import (
type NewTopicForm struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Body string `json:"body"`
NodeId string `json:"nodeId"`
EditorType string `json:"editorType"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
// @Title GetTopics
// @Description get current topics
// @Param limit query string true "topics size"
// @Param page query string true "offset"
// @Success 200 {array} object.TopicWithAvatar The Response object
// @router /get-topics [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetTopics() {
limitStr := c.Input().Get("limit")
pageStr := c.Input().Get("page")
defaultLimit := object.DefaultHomePageNum
var limit, offset int
if len(limitStr) != 0 {
limit = util.ParseInt(limitStr)
} else {
limit = defaultLimit
if len(pageStr) != 0 {
page := util.ParseInt(pageStr)
offset = page*limit - limit
c.Data["json"] = object.GetTopics(limit, offset)
// @Title GetTopicsAdmin
// @Description get topics for admin
// @Param limit query string true "topics size"
// @Param page query string true "offset"
// @Param un query string true "username(author)"
// @Param ti query string true "search: title"
// @Param cn query string true "search: content"
// @Param sdt query string true "sort: show deleted topics"
// @Param cs query string true "sort: created time"
// @Param lrs query string true "sort: last reply time"
// @Param us query string true "sort: username"
// @Param rcs query string true "sort: reply count"
// @Param hs query string true "sort: hot"
// @Param fcs query string true "sort: favorite count"
// @Success 200 {object} controllers.Response The Response object
// @router /get-topics-admin [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetTopicsAdmin() {
limitStr := c.Input().Get("limit")
pageStr := c.Input().Get("page")
usernameSearchKw := c.Input().Get("un") // search: username(author)
titleSearchKw := c.Input().Get("ti") // search: title
contentSearchKw := c.Input().Get("cn") // search: content
showDeletedTopics := c.Input().Get("sdt") // sort: show deleted topics
createdTimeSort := c.Input().Get("cs") // sort: created time
lastReplySort := c.Input().Get("lrs") // sort: last reply time
usernameSort := c.Input().Get("us") // sort: username
replyCountSort := c.Input().Get("rcs") // sort: reply count
hotSort := c.Input().Get("hs") // sort: hot
favCountSort := c.Input().Get("fcs") // sort: favorite count
defaultLimit := object.DefaultHomePageNum
var limit, offset int
if len(limitStr) != 0 {
limit = util.ParseInt(limitStr)
} else {
limit = defaultLimit
if len(pageStr) != 0 {
page := util.ParseInt(pageStr)
offset = page*limit - limit
res, num := object.GetTopicsAdmin(usernameSearchKw, titleSearchKw, contentSearchKw, showDeletedTopics, createdTimeSort, lastReplySort, usernameSort, replyCountSort, hotSort, favCountSort, limit, offset)
c.Data["json"] = Response{Status: "ok", Msg: "success", Data: res, Data2: num}
// @Title GetTopic
// @Description get one topic by id
// @Param id query string true "id"
// @Success 200 {object} object.TopicWithAvatar The Response object
// @router /get-topic [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetTopic() {
user := c.GetSessionUser()
id := util.ParseInt(c.Input().Get("id"))
topic := object.GetTopicWithAvatar(id, user)
if topic == nil || topic.Deleted {
c.Data["json"] = nil
if user != nil {
topic.NodeModerator = object.CheckNodeModerator(user, topic.NodeId)
c.Data["json"] = topic
// @Title GetTopicAdmin
// @Description get topic for admin by id
// @Param id query string true "id"
// @Success 200 {object} object.AdminTopicInfo The Response object
// @router /get-topic-admin [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetTopicAdmin() {
idStr := c.Input().Get("id")
id := util.ParseInt(idStr)
c.Data["json"] = object.GetTopicAdmin(id)
func (c *ApiController) UpdateTopic() {
idStr := c.Input().Get("id")
var topic object.Topic
err := json.Unmarshal(c.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &topic)
if err != nil {
id := util.ParseInt(idStr)
c.Data["json"] = object.UpdateTopic(id, &topic)
// @Title AddTopic
// @Description add one topic
// @Param form body controllers.NewTopicForm true "topic info"
// @Success 200 {object} controllers.Response The Response object
// @router /add-topic [post]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) AddTopic() {
if c.RequireSignedIn() {
user := c.GetSessionUser()
if object.IsForbidden(user) {
c.ResponseError("Your account has been forbidden to perform this operation")
var form NewTopicForm
err := json.Unmarshal(c.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &form)
if err != nil {
title, body, nodeId, editorType, tags := form.Title, form.Body, form.NodeId, form.EditorType, form.Tags
node := object.GetNode(nodeId)
if node == nil {
c.ResponseError("Node does not exist.")
if object.ContainsSensitiveWord(title) {
c.ResponseError("Topic title contains sensitive word.")
if object.ContainsSensitiveWord(body) {
c.ResponseError("Topic body contains sensitive word.")
if len(tags) == 0 {
tags = service.Finalword(body)
topic := object.Topic{
// Id: util.IntToString(object.GetTopicId()),
Author: GetUserName(user),
NodeId: node.Id,
NodeName: node.Name,
TabId: node.TabId,
Title: title,
CreatedTime: util.GetCurrentTime(),
Tags: tags,
LastReplyUser: "",
LastReplyTime: util.GetCurrentTime(),
UpCount: 0,
DownCount: 0,
HitCount: 0,
FavoriteCount: 0,
SubscribeCount: 0,
Content: body,
Deleted: false,
EditorType: editorType,
IsHidden: node.IsHidden,
balance := object.GetMemberBalance(user)
if balance < object.CreateTopicCost {
c.ResponseError("You don't have enough balance.")
// payRes := object.CreateTopicConsumption(c.GetSessionUser(), topic.Id)
// object.AddTopicNotification(topic.Id, c.GetSessionUser(), body)
err = json.Unmarshal(c.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &topic)
if err != nil {
topics := object.GetTopicsByTitleAndAuthor(topic.Title, topic.Author)
if len(topics) != 0 {
c.ResponseError("Duplicate topic")
res, id := object.AddTopic(&topic)
if res {
object.CreateTopicConsumption(user, id)
object.AddTopicNotification(id, topic.Author, topic.Content)
targetNode := object.GetNode(topic.NodeId)
targetNode.AddTopicToMailingList(topic.Title, topic.Content, topic.Author)
} else {
c.ResponseError("Failed to add topic.")
// @Title UploadTopicPic
// @Description upload topic picture
// @Param pic formData string true "the picture base64 code"
// @Param type formData string true "the picture type"
// @Success 200 {object} _controllers.Response The Response object
// @router /upload-topic-pic [post]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) UploadTopicPic() {
if c.RequireSignedIn() {
memberId := c.GetSessionUsername()
fileBase64 := c.Ctx.Request.Form.Get("pic")
fileType := c.Ctx.Request.Form.Get("type")
index := strings.Index(fileBase64, ",")
fileBytes, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(fileBase64[index+1:])
timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
fileUrl, _ := service.UploadFileToStorage(memberId, "topicPic", "UploadTopicPic", fmt.Sprintf("casnode/topicPic/%s/%s.%s", memberId, timestamp, fileType), fileBytes)
resp := Response{Status: "ok", Msg: timestamp + "." + fileType, Data: fileUrl}
c.Data["json"] = resp
// @Title DeleteTopic
// @Description delete a topic by id
// @Param id query string true "topic id"
// @Success 200 {bool} bool Delete success or failure
// @router /delete-topic [post]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) DeleteTopic() {
idStr := c.Input().Get("id")
user := c.GetSessionUser()
id := util.ParseInt(idStr)
nodeId := object.GetTopicNodeId(id)
if !object.CheckIsAdmin(user) && !object.CheckNodeModerator(user, nodeId) {
resp := Response{Status: "fail", Msg: "Unauthorized."}
c.Data["json"] = resp
c.Data["json"] = object.DeleteTopic(id)
// @Title GetTopicsNum
// @Description get the total number of topics
// @Success 200 {int} int The topic nums
// @router /get-topics-num [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetTopicsNum() {
c.Data["json"] = object.GetTopicNum()
// @Title GetAllCreatedTopics
// @Description get all created topics
// @Param id query string true "author id"
// @Param tab query string true "tab"
// @Param limit query string true "mumber of topics"
// @Param page query string true "page offset"
// @Success 200 {array} object.Topic The Response object
// @router /get-all-created-topics [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetAllCreatedTopics() {
author := c.Input().Get("id")
tab := c.Input().Get("tab")
limitStr := c.Input().Get("limit")
pageStr := c.Input().Get("page")
var (
limit, offset int
err error
if len(limitStr) != 0 {
limit, err = strconv.Atoi(limitStr)
if err != nil {
} else {
limit = 10
if len(pageStr) != 0 {
page, err := strconv.Atoi(pageStr)
if err != nil {
offset = page*limit - limit
c.Data["json"] = object.GetAllCreatedTopics(author, tab, limit, offset)
// @Title GetCreatedTopicsNum
// @Description get created topics count
// @Param id query string true "member id"
// @Success 200 {int} int topics count
// @router /get-created-topics-num [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetCreatedTopicsNum() {
memberId := c.Input().Get("id")
c.Data["json"] = object.GetCreatedTopicsNum(memberId)
// @Title GetTopicsByNode
// @Description get topics by node
// @Param node-id query string true "node id"
// @Param limit query string true "number of topics"
// @Param page query string true "page offset"
// @Success 200 {array} object.NodeTopic The Response object
// @router /get-topics-by-node [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetTopicsByNode() {
nodeId := c.Input().Get("node-id")
limitStr := c.Input().Get("limit")
pageStr := c.Input().Get("page")
defaultLimit := object.DefaultPageNum
var limit, offset int
if len(limitStr) != 0 {
limit = util.ParseInt(limitStr)
} else {
limit = defaultLimit
if len(pageStr) != 0 {
page := util.ParseInt(pageStr)
offset = page*limit - limit
c.Data["json"] = object.GetTopicsByNode(nodeId, limit, offset)
// @Title GetTopicsByTag
// @Description get topics by tag
// @Param tag-id query string true "tag id"
// @Param limit query string true "number of topics"
// @Param page query string true "page offset"
// @Success 200 {array} object.NodeTopic The Response object
// @router /get-topics-by-tag [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetTopicsByTag() {
tagId := c.Input().Get("tag-id")
limitStr := c.Input().Get("limit")
pageStr := c.Input().Get("page")
defaultLimit := object.DefaultPageNum
var limit, offset int
if len(limitStr) != 0 {
limit = util.ParseInt(limitStr)
} else {
limit = defaultLimit
if len(pageStr) != 0 {
page := util.ParseInt(pageStr)
offset = page*limit - limit
c.Data["json"] = object.GetTopicsByTag(tagId, limit, offset)
// @Title AddTopicHitCount
// @Description add topic hit count,together with node
// @Param id query string true "topic id"
// @Success 200 {object} controller.Response The Response object
// @router /add-topic-hit-count [post]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) AddTopicHitCount() {
topicIdStr := c.Input().Get("id")
var resp Response
topicId := util.ParseInt(topicIdStr)
res := object.AddTopicHitCount(topicId)
topicInfo := object.GetTopic(topicId)
hitRecord := object.BrowseRecord{
MemberId: c.GetSessionUsername(),
RecordType: 1,
ObjectId: topicInfo.NodeId,
CreatedTime: util.GetCurrentTime(),
Expired: false,
if res {
resp = Response{Status: "ok", Msg: "success"}
} else {
resp = Response{Status: "fail", Msg: "add topic hit count failed"}
c.Data["json"] = resp
// @Title GetTopicsByTab
// @Description get topics by tab
// @Param tab-id query string true "tab id"
// @Param limit query string true "number of topics"
// @Param page query string true "page offset"
// @Success 200 {array} object.TopicWithAvatar The Response object
// @router /get-topics-by-tab [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetTopicsByTab() {
tabId := c.Input().Get("tab-id")
limitStr := c.Input().Get("limit")
pageStr := c.Input().Get("page")
defaultLimit := object.DefaultHomePageNum
var limit, offset int
if len(limitStr) != 0 {
limit = util.ParseInt(limitStr)
} else {
limit = defaultLimit
if len(pageStr) != 0 {
page := util.ParseInt(pageStr)
offset = page*limit - limit
c.Data["json"] = object.GetTopicsWithTab(tabId, limit, offset)
// @Title AddTopicBrowseCount
// @Description add topic browse count
// @Param id query string true "topicId"
// @Success 200 {object} controller.Response The Response object
// @router /add-topic-browse-record [post]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) AddTopicBrowseCount() {
topicId := c.Input().Get("id")
var resp Response
hitRecord := object.BrowseRecord{
MemberId: c.GetSessionUsername(),
RecordType: 2,
ObjectId: topicId,
CreatedTime: util.GetCurrentTime(),
Expired: false,
res := object.AddBrowseRecordNum(&hitRecord)
if res {
resp = Response{Status: "ok", Msg: "success"}
} else {
resp = Response{Status: "fail", Msg: "add node hit count failed"}
c.Data["json"] = resp
// @Title GetHotTopic
// @Description get hot topic
// @Param limit query string true "limit size"
// @Success 200 {object} controller.Response The Response object
// @router /get-hot-topic [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetHotTopic() {
limitStr := c.Input().Get("limit")
defaultLimit := object.HotTopicNum
var limit int
if len(limitStr) != 0 {
limit = util.ParseInt(limitStr)
} else {
limit = defaultLimit
res := object.GetHotTopic(limit)
// @Title GetSortedTopics
// @Description get sorted topics
// @Param lps query string true "sort: last reply count"
// @Param hs query string true "sort: hot"
// @Param fcs query string true "sort: favorite count"
// @Param cts query string true "sort: created time"
// @Param page query string true "offset"
// @Param limit query string true "limit size"
// @Success 200 {object} controller.Response The Response object
// @router /get-hot-topic [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetSortedTopics() {
limitStr := c.Input().Get("limit")
pageStr := c.Input().Get("page")
lastReplySort := c.Input().Get("lps") // sort: last reply time
hotSort := c.Input().Get("hs") // sort: hot
favCountSort := c.Input().Get("fcs") // sort: favorite count
createdTimeSort := c.Input().Get("cts") // sort: created time
defaultLimit := object.DefaultHomePageNum
var limit, offset int
if len(limitStr) != 0 {
limit = util.ParseInt(limitStr)
} else {
limit = defaultLimit
if len(pageStr) != 0 {
page := util.ParseInt(pageStr)
offset = page*limit - limit
res := object.GetSortedTopics(lastReplySort, hotSort, favCountSort, createdTimeSort, limit, offset)
// @Title UpdateTopicNode
// @Description update the topic node
// @Param updateTopicNode body controllers.updateTopicNode true "topic node info"
// @Success 200 {object} controllers.Response The Response object
// @router /update-topic-node [post]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) UpdateTopicNode() {
if c.RequireSignedIn() {
user := c.GetSessionUser()
var form updateTopicNode
err := json.Unmarshal(c.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &form)
if err != nil {
id, _, nodeId := form.Id, form.NodeName, form.NodeId
originalNode := object.GetTopicNodeId(id)
if !object.CheckIsAdmin(user) && !object.CheckNodeModerator(user, originalNode) && object.GetTopicAuthor(id).Name != GetUserName(user) {
node := object.GetNode(nodeId)
if node == nil {
c.ResponseError("Node does not exist.")
topic := object.Topic{
// Id: id,
NodeId: node.Id,
NodeName: node.Name,
TabId: node.TabId,
res := object.UpdateTopicWithLimitCols(id, &topic)
// @Title EditContent
// @Description edit content
// @Param editType query string true "edit Type"
// @Success 200 {object} controllers.Response The Response object
// @router /edit-content [post]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) EditContent() {
if c.RequireSignedIn() {
user := c.GetSessionUser()
editType := c.Input().Get("editType")
var resp Response
if editType == "topic" {
var form editTopic
err := json.Unmarshal(c.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &form)
if err != nil {
id, title, content, nodeId, editorType, tags := form.Id, form.Title, form.Content, form.NodeId, form.EditorType, form.Tags
if !object.CheckIsAdmin(user) && !object.CheckNodeModerator(user, nodeId) && object.GetTopicAuthor(id).Name != GetUserName(user) {
resp = Response{Status: "fail", Msg: "Unauthorized."}
c.Data["json"] = resp
topic := object.Topic{
Id: id,
Title: title,
Content: content,
EditorType: editorType,
Tags: tags,
res := object.UpdateTopicWithLimitCols(id, &topic)
resp = Response{Status: "ok", Msg: "success", Data: res}
} else {
var form editReply
err := json.Unmarshal(c.Ctx.Input.RequestBody, &form)
if err != nil {
id, content, editorType := form.Id, form.Content, form.EditorType
if !object.CheckIsAdmin(user) && object.GetReplyAuthor(id).Name != GetUserName(user) {
resp = Response{Status: "fail", Msg: "Unauthorized."}
c.Data["json"] = resp
reply := object.Reply{
Id: id,
Content: content,
EditorType: editorType,
res := object.UpdateReplyWithLimitCols(id, &reply)
resp = Response{Status: "ok", Msg: "success", Data: res}
c.Data["json"] = resp
// @Title TranslateTopic
// @router /translate-topic [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) TranslateTopic() {
topicIdStr := c.Input().Get("id")
targetLang := c.Input().Get("target")
// ISO/IEC 15897 to ISO 639-1
targetLang = targetLang[0:2]
topicId := util.ParseInt(topicIdStr)
translateData := &object.TranslateData{}
topic := object.GetTopic(topicId)
if topic == nil || topic.Deleted {
translateData.ErrMsg = "Invalid TopicId"
c.Data["json"] = translateData
c.Data["json"] = object.StrTranslate(topic.Content, targetLang)
// TopTopic tops topic according to the topType in the url.
// @Title TopTopic
// @Description tops topic according to the topType in the url.
// @Param id query string true "id"
// @Success 200 {object} controllers.Response The Response object
// @router /top-topic [post]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) TopTopic() {
if c.RequireSignedIn() {
id := util.ParseInt(c.Input().Get("id"))
user := c.GetSessionUser()
var res bool
nodeId := object.GetTopicNodeId(id)
if object.CheckIsAdmin(user) || object.CheckNodeModerator(user, nodeId) {
// timeStr := c.Input().Get("time")
// time := util.ParseInt(timeStr)
// date := util.GetTimeMinute(time)
// res = object.ChangeTopicTopExpiredTime(id, date)
topType := c.Input().Get("topType")
date := util.GetTimeYear(100)
res = object.ChangeTopicTopExpiredTime(id, date, topType)
} else if object.GetTopicAuthor(id).Name == GetUserName(user) {
balance := object.GetMemberBalance(user)
if balance < object.TopTopicCost {
c.ResponseError("You don't have enough balance.")
object.TopTopicConsumption(user, id)
date := util.GetTimeMinute(object.DefaultTopTopicTime)
res = object.ChangeTopicTopExpiredTime(id, date, "node")
} else {
// @Title CancelTopTopic
// @Description cancels top topic according to the topType in the url.
// @Param id query string true "id"
// @Success 200 {object} controllers.Response The Response object
// @router /cancel-top-topic [post]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) CancelTopTopic() {
if c.RequireSignedIn() {
idStr := c.Input().Get("id")
user := c.GetSessionUser()
id := util.ParseInt(idStr)
var resp Response
var res bool
nodeId := object.GetTopicNodeId(id)
if object.CheckIsAdmin(user) || object.CheckNodeModerator(user, nodeId) {
topType := c.Input().Get("topType")
res = object.ChangeTopicTopExpiredTime(id, "", topType)
} else {
resp = Response{Status: "fail", Msg: "Unauthorized."}
c.Data["json"] = resp
resp = Response{Status: "ok", Msg: "success", Data: res}
c.Data["json"] = resp
// @Title GetTopicByUrlPathAndTitle
// @router /get-topic-by-urlpath-and-title [get]
// @Tag Topic API
func (c *ApiController) GetTopicByUrlPathAndTitle() {
urlPath := c.Input().Get("urlPath")
title := c.Input().Get("title")
author := c.Input().Get("author")
nodeId := c.Input().Get("nodeId")
if urlPath == "" {
c.ResponseError(fmt.Sprintf("The urlPath: %s does not exist", urlPath))
if title == "" {
c.ResponseError(fmt.Sprintf("The title: %s does not exist", title))
if author == "" {
c.ResponseError(fmt.Sprintf("The author: %s does not exist", author))
node := object.GetNode(nodeId)
if nodeId == "" || node == nil {
c.ResponseError(fmt.Sprintf("The node: %s does not exist", nodeId))
topic := object.GetTopicByUrlPathAndTitle(urlPath, title, nodeId)
if topic == nil {
topic = &object.Topic{
Author: author,
NodeId: nodeId,
NodeName: node.Name,
TabId: node.TabId,
Title: title,
CreatedTime: util.GetCurrentTime(),
LastReplyTime: util.GetCurrentTime(),
Content: fmt.Sprintf("URL: %s%s", nodeId, urlPath),
UrlPath: urlPath,
EditorType: "markdown",
IsHidden: node.IsHidden,