
196 lines
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import { HassConfig, HassEntity } from 'home-assistant-js-websocket';
import { LocalizeFunc } from 'custom-card-helpers';
import { computeDomain, isNumericFromAttributes } from './helpers';
import { atLeastVersion } from './at_least_version';
import { formatNumber, getNumberFormatOptions, blankBeforePercent } from './common/format_number';
import { EntityRegistryDisplayEntry, FrontendLocaleData, HomeAssistant, TimeZone } from './types/homeassistant';
import { UNIT_TO_MILLISECOND_CONVERT, formatDuration } from './common/duration';
import { formatDateTime } from './common/format_date_time';
import { formatDate } from './common/format_date';
import { formatTime } from './common/format_time';
import { UPDATE_SUPPORT_PROGRESS, updateIsInstallingFromAttributes } from './common/update';
import { supportsFeatureFromAttributes } from './common/supports-features';
const UNAVAILABLE = 'unavailable';
const UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
export const computeStateDisplaySingleEntity = (
localize: LocalizeFunc,
stateObj: HassEntity,
locale: FrontendLocaleData,
config: HassConfig,
entity: EntityRegistryDisplayEntry | undefined,
state?: string,
): string =>
state !== undefined ? state : stateObj.state,
export const computeStateDisplay = (
localize: LocalizeFunc,
stateObj: HassEntity,
locale: FrontendLocaleData,
config: HassConfig,
entities: HomeAssistant['entities'],
state?: string,
): string => {
const entity = entities[stateObj.entity_id] as EntityRegistryDisplayEntry | undefined;
return computeStateDisplayFromEntityAttributes(
state !== undefined ? state : stateObj.state,
export const computeStateDisplayFromEntityAttributes = (
localize: LocalizeFunc,
locale: FrontendLocaleData,
config: HassConfig,
entity: EntityRegistryDisplayEntry | undefined,
entityId: string,
attributes: any,
state: string,
): string => {
if (state === UNKNOWN || state === UNAVAILABLE) {
return localize(`state.default.${state}`);
// Entities with a `unit_of_measurement` or `state_class` are numeric values and should use `formatNumber`
if (isNumericFromAttributes(attributes)) {
// state is duration
if (
attributes.device_class === 'duration' &&
attributes.unit_of_measurement &&
) {
try {
return formatDuration(state, attributes.unit_of_measurement);
} catch (_err) {
// fallback to default
if (attributes.device_class === 'monetary') {
try {
return formatNumber(state, locale, {
style: 'currency',
currency: attributes.unit_of_measurement,
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
// Override monetary options with number format
...getNumberFormatOptions({ state, attributes } as HassEntity, entity),
} catch (_err) {
// fallback to default
const unit = !attributes.unit_of_measurement
? ''
: attributes.unit_of_measurement === '%'
? blankBeforePercent(locale) + '%'
: ` ${attributes.unit_of_measurement}`;
return `${formatNumber(state, locale, getNumberFormatOptions({ state, attributes } as HassEntity, entity))}${unit}`;
const domain = computeDomain(entityId);
if (domain === 'datetime') {
const time = new Date(state);
return formatDateTime(time, locale, config);
if (['date', 'input_datetime', 'time'].includes(domain)) {
// If trying to display an explicit state, need to parse the explicit state to `Date` then format.
// Attributes aren't available, we have to use `state`.
// These are timezone agnostic, so we should NOT use the system timezone here.
try {
const components = state.split(' ');
if (components.length === 2) {
// Date and time.
return formatDateTime(new Date(components.join('T')), { ...locale, time_zone: TimeZone.local }, config);
if (components.length === 1) {
if (state.includes('-')) {
// Date only.
return formatDate(new Date(`${state}T00:00`), { ...locale, time_zone: TimeZone.local }, config);
if (state.includes(':')) {
// Time only.
const now = new Date();
return formatTime(
new Date(`${now.toISOString().split('T')[0]}T${state}`),
{ ...locale, time_zone: TimeZone.local },
return state;
} catch (_e) {
// Formatting methods may throw error if date parsing doesn't go well,
// just return the state string in that case.
return state;
// `counter` `number` and `input_number` domains do not have a unit of measurement but should still use `formatNumber`
if (domain === 'counter' || domain === 'number' || domain === 'input_number') {
// Format as an integer if the value and step are integers
return formatNumber(state, locale, getNumberFormatOptions({ state, attributes } as HassEntity, entity));
// state is a timestamp
if (
['button', 'event', 'input_button', 'scene', 'stt', 'tts'].includes(domain) ||
(domain === 'sensor' && attributes.device_class === 'timestamp')
) {
try {
return formatDateTime(new Date(state), locale, config);
} catch (_err) {
return state;
if (domain === 'update') {
// When updating, and entity does not support % show "Installing"
// When updating, and entity does support % show "Installing (xx%)"
// When update available, show the version
// When the latest version is skipped, show the latest version
// When update is not available, show "Up-to-date"
// When update is not available and there is no latest_version show "Unavailable"
return state === 'on'
? updateIsInstallingFromAttributes(attributes)
? supportsFeatureFromAttributes(attributes, UPDATE_SUPPORT_PROGRESS) &&
typeof attributes.in_progress === 'number'
? localize('ui.card.update.installing_with_progress', {
progress: attributes.in_progress,
: localize('ui.card.update.installing')
: attributes.latest_version
: attributes.skipped_version === attributes.latest_version
? attributes.latest_version ?? localize('state.default.unavailable')
: localize('ui.card.update.up_to_date');
return (
(entity?.translation_key &&
localize(`component.${entity.platform}.entity.${domain}.${entity.translation_key}.state.${state}`)) ||
// Return device class translation
(attributes.device_class &&
localize(`component.${domain}.entity_component.${attributes.device_class}.state.${state}`)) ||
// Return default translation
localize(`component.${domain}.entity_component._.state.${state}`) ||
// We don't know! Return the raw state.