Fix for Beta IOS App

This commit is contained in:
Jérôme Wiedemann 2019-07-29 20:17:11 +02:00
parent cac0ccc5be
commit 2d1cab4b1d
4 changed files with 23 additions and 18 deletions

dist/button-card.js vendored
View File

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ class b {
(window.litHtmlVersions || (window.litHtmlVersions = [])).push("1.1.1");const R = (t, ...e) => new v(t, e, "html", T),
L = 133;
V = 133;
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2017 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
@ -319,16 +319,16 @@ class b {
* Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
* subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
*/function V(t, e) {
*/function L(t, e) {
const { element: { content: n }, parts: i } = t,
r = document.createTreeWalker(n, L, null, !1);let s = j(i),
r = document.createTreeWalker(n, V, null, !1);let s = j(i),
a = i[s],
o = -1,
c = 0;const l = [];let u = null;for (; r.nextNode();) {
o++;const t = r.currentNode;for (t.previousSibling === u && (u = null), e.has(t) && (l.push(t), null === u && (u = t)), null !== u && c++; void 0 !== a && a.index === o;) a.index = null !== u ? -1 : a.index - c, a = i[s = j(i, s)];
}l.forEach(t => t.parentNode.removeChild(t));
}const B = t => {
let e = 11 === t.nodeType ? 0 : 1;const n = document.createTreeWalker(t, L, null, !1);for (; n.nextNode();) e++;return e;
let e = 11 === t.nodeType ? 0 : 1;const n = document.createTreeWalker(t, V, null, !1);for (; n.nextNode();) e++;return e;
j = (t, e = -1) => {
for (let n = e + 1; n < t.length; n++) {
@ -366,11 +366,11 @@ const $ = (t, e) => `${t}--${e}`;let H = !0;void 0 === window.ShadyCSS ? H = !1
const { element: { content: e } } = t,
n = new Set();Array.from(e.querySelectorAll("style")).forEach(t => {
}), V(t, n);
}), L(t, n);
})(t);const o = i.content;n ? function (t, e, n = null) {
const { element: { content: i }, parts: r } = t;if (null == n) return void i.appendChild(e);const s = document.createTreeWalker(i, L, null, !1);let a = j(r),
const { element: { content: i }, parts: r } = t;if (null == n) return void i.appendChild(e);const s = document.createTreeWalker(i, V, null, !1);let a = j(r),
o = 0,
c = -1;for (; s.nextNode();) for (c++, s.currentNode === n && (o = B(e), n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, n)); -1 !== a && r[a].index === c;) {
if (o > 0) {
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ const $ = (t, e) => `${t}--${e}`;let H = !0;void 0 === window.ShadyCSS ? H = !1
}a = j(r, a);
}(n, a, o.firstChild) : o.insertBefore(a, o.firstChild), window.ShadyCSS.prepareTemplateStyles(i, t);const c = o.querySelector("style");if (window.ShadyCSS.nativeShadow && null !== c) e.insertBefore(c.cloneNode(!0), e.firstChild);else if (n) {
o.insertBefore(a, o.firstChild);const t = new Set();t.add(a), V(n, t);
o.insertBefore(a, o.firstChild);const t = new Set();t.add(a), L(n, t);
@ -788,16 +788,16 @@ const lt = new WeakMap(),
Rt = function (t, e, n, i) {
i = i || {}, n = null == n ? {} : n;var r = new Event(e, { bubbles: void 0 === i.bubbles || i.bubbles, cancelable: Boolean(i.cancelable), composed: void 0 === i.composed || i.composed });return r.detail = n, t.dispatchEvent(r), r;
Lt = { alert: "hass:alert", automation: "hass:playlist-play", calendar: "hass:calendar", camera: "hass:video", climate: "hass:thermostat", configurator: "hass:settings", conversation: "hass:text-to-speech", device_tracker: "hass:account", fan: "hass:fan", group: "hass:google-circles-communities", history_graph: "hass:chart-line", homeassistant: "hass:home-assistant", homekit: "hass:home-automation", image_processing: "hass:image-filter-frames", input_boolean: "hass:drawing", input_datetime: "hass:calendar-clock", input_number: "hass:ray-vertex", input_select: "hass:format-list-bulleted", input_text: "hass:textbox", light: "hass:lightbulb", mailbox: "hass:mailbox", notify: "hass:comment-alert", person: "hass:account", plant: "hass:flower", proximity: "hass:apple-safari", remote: "hass:remote", scene: "hass:google-pages", script: "hass:file-document", sensor: "hass:eye", simple_alarm: "hass:bell", sun: "hass:white-balance-sunny", switch: "hass:flash", timer: "hass:timer", updater: "hass:cloud-upload", vacuum: "hass:robot-vacuum", water_heater: "hass:thermometer", weblink: "hass:open-in-new" };var Vt = function (t, e) {
Vt = { alert: "hass:alert", automation: "hass:playlist-play", calendar: "hass:calendar", camera: "hass:video", climate: "hass:thermostat", configurator: "hass:settings", conversation: "hass:text-to-speech", device_tracker: "hass:account", fan: "hass:fan", group: "hass:google-circles-communities", history_graph: "hass:chart-line", homeassistant: "hass:home-assistant", homekit: "hass:home-automation", image_processing: "hass:image-filter-frames", input_boolean: "hass:drawing", input_datetime: "hass:calendar-clock", input_number: "hass:ray-vertex", input_select: "hass:format-list-bulleted", input_text: "hass:textbox", light: "hass:lightbulb", mailbox: "hass:mailbox", notify: "hass:comment-alert", person: "hass:account", plant: "hass:flower", proximity: "hass:apple-safari", remote: "hass:remote", scene: "hass:google-pages", script: "hass:file-document", sensor: "hass:eye", simple_alarm: "hass:bell", sun: "hass:white-balance-sunny", switch: "hass:flash", timer: "hass:timer", updater: "hass:cloud-upload", vacuum: "hass:robot-vacuum", water_heater: "hass:thermometer", weblink: "hass:open-in-new" };var Lt = function (t, e) {
Rt(t, "haptic", e);
Bt = function (t, e, n, i, r) {
var s;switch (r && n.dbltap_action ? s = n.dbltap_action : i && n.hold_action ? s = n.hold_action : !i && n.tap_action && (s = n.tap_action), s || (s = { action: "more-info" }), s.action) {case "more-info":
(n.entity || n.camera_image) && (Rt(t, "hass-more-info", { entityId: s.entity ? s.entity : n.entity ? n.entity : n.camera_image }), s.haptic && Vt(t, s.haptic));break;case "navigate":
(n.entity || n.camera_image) && (Rt(t, "hass-more-info", { entityId: s.entity ? s.entity : n.entity ? n.entity : n.camera_image }), s.haptic && Lt(t, s.haptic));break;case "navigate":
s.navigation_path && (function (t, e, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = !1), n ? history.replaceState(null, "", e) : history.pushState(null, "", e), Rt(window, "location-changed", { replace: n });
}(0, s.navigation_path), s.haptic && Vt(t, s.haptic));break;case "url":
s.url &&, s.haptic && Vt(t, s.haptic);break;case "toggle":
}(0, s.navigation_path), s.haptic && Lt(t, s.haptic));break;case "url":
s.url &&, s.haptic && Lt(t, s.haptic);break;case "toggle":
n.entity && (function (t, e) {
(function (t, e, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = !0);var i,
@ -809,11 +809,11 @@ const lt = new WeakMap(),
i = n ? "open_cover" : "close_cover";break;default:
i = n ? "turn_on" : "turn_off";}t.callService(s, i, { entity_id: e });
})(t, e, Ft.includes(t.states[e].state));
}(e, n.entity), s.haptic && Vt(t, s.haptic));break;case "call-service":
}(e, n.entity), s.haptic && Lt(t, s.haptic));break;case "call-service":
if (!s.service) return;var a = s.service.split(".", 2),
o = a[0],
c = a[1],
l = Object.assign({}, s.service_data);"entity" === l.entity_id && (l.entity_id = n.entity), e.callService(o, c, l), s.haptic && Vt(t, s.haptic);}
l = Object.assign({}, s.service_data);"entity" === l.entity_id && (l.entity_id = n.entity), e.callService(o, c, l), s.haptic && Lt(t, s.haptic);}
};String(Math.random()).slice(2);try {
const t = { get capture() {
return !1;
@ -1342,7 +1342,10 @@ const lt = new WeakMap(),
1 === this.nbClicks && (this.nbClicks = 0, t.dispatchEvent(new Event("ha-click")));
}, 250)) : (this.nbClicks = 0, clearTimeout(this.dblClickTimeout), t.dispatchEvent(new Event("ha-dblclick"))) : t.dispatchEvent(new Event("ha-click")), this.cooldownEnd = !0, window.setTimeout(() => this.cooldownEnd = !1, 100));
i = zt(window.navigator.userAgent).satisfies({ mobile: { safari: ">=13" } });t.addEventListener("touchstart", e, { passive: !0 }), t.addEventListener("touchend", n), t.addEventListener("touchcancel", n), i || (t.addEventListener("mousedown", e, { passive: !0 }), t.addEventListener("click", n));
i = zt(window.navigator.userAgent),
r = i.satisfies({ mobile: { safari: ">=13" } }),
s = new RegExp("^13\\..*", "gm"),
a = "iOS" === i.getOSName() && !!i.getOSVersion().match(s);t.addEventListener("touchstart", e, { passive: !0 }), t.addEventListener("touchend", n), t.addEventListener("touchcancel", n), r || a || (t.addEventListener("mousedown", e, { passive: !0 }), t.addEventListener("click", n));
}startAnimation(t, e) {
Object.assign(, { left: `${t}px`, top: `${e}px`, display: null }), this.ripple.holdDown = !0, this.ripple.simulatedRipple();
}stopAnimation() {
@ -2019,7 +2022,7 @@ const lt = new WeakMap(),
i = "";return e && e.color ? i = e.color : "auto" !== this.config.color && t && "off" === t.state ? i = this.config.color_off : this.config.color && (i = this.config.color), n = "auto" == i || "auto-no-temperature" == i ? this._getColorForLightEntity(t, "auto-no-temperature" !== i) : i || (t ? this._getDefaultColorForState(t) : this.config.default_color);
}_buildIcon(t, e) {
if (!this.config.show_icon) return;let n;return e && e.icon ? n = e.icon : this.config.icon ? n = this.config.icon : t && t.attributes && (n = t.attributes.icon ? t.attributes.icon : function (t, e) {
if (t in Lt) return Lt[t];switch (t) {case "alarm_control_panel":
if (t in Vt) return Vt[t];switch (t) {case "alarm_control_panel":
switch (e) {case "armed_home":
return "hass:bell-plus";case "armed_night":
return "hass:bell-sleep";case "disarmed":

package-lock.json generated
View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "button-card",
"version": "2.0.3",
"version": "2.0.4",
"lockfileVersion": 1,
"requires": true,
"dependencies": {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "button-card",
"version": "2.0.3",
"version": "2.0.4",
"description": "Button card for lovelace",
"main": "dist/button-card.js",
"pre-commit": [

View File

@ -186,10 +186,12 @@ class LongPress extends HTMLElement implements LongPress {
safari: '>=13',
const ios13 = new RegExp('^13\\..*', 'gm');
const isCrazyBrowser2 = br.getOSName() === 'iOS' && (br.getOSVersion().match(ios13) ? true : false);
element.addEventListener('touchstart', clickStart, { passive: true });
element.addEventListener('touchend', clickEnd);
element.addEventListener('touchcancel', clickEnd);
if (!isCrazyBrowser) {
if (!isCrazyBrowser && !isCrazyBrowser2) {
element.addEventListener('mousedown', clickStart, { passive: true });
element.addEventListener('click', clickEnd);