add by gerardovf, mod by Portisch

This commit is contained in:
Portisch 2018-12-10 08:11:40 +01:00
parent 73d4dfa4c7
commit 8c78117bfe
2 changed files with 285 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ Keil 8051 v9.53 - Release/*.m51
Keil 8051 v9.53 - Release/*.omf
Keil 8051 v9.53 - Release/*.mk
Keil 8051 v9.53 - Release/makefile

284 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
# Name:
# Purpose: Generate 'B0' message from received 'B1' data.
# Author: gerardovf
# Created: 05/09/2018
# Editor: Portisch
from optparse import OptionParser
import pycurl
from sys import exit
from optparse import OptionParser
#from io import StringIO
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
# Output:
# Example: AA B0 23 04 14 0224 03FB 0BF4 1CAC 23011010011001010110101001100101011010100101100110 55
# 0xAA: sync start
# 0xB0: command
# 0x23: len command
# 0x04: bucket count
# 0x14: repeats
# buckets 0-4
# data
# 0x55: sync end
def getInputStr():
#auxStr = '18:30:23 MQT: /sonoff/bridge/RESULT = {"RfRaw":{"Data":"AAB104022403FB0BF41CAC0110100110010101101010011001010110101001011001102355"}}'
auxStr = raw_input("Enter B1 line: ")
auxStr = auxStr.replace(' ', '')
iPosEnd = auxStr.rfind('55')
if (iPosEnd > -1):
iPosStart = auxStr.find('AAB1')
if iPosStart > -1:
auxStr = auxStr[iPosStart:iPosEnd+len('55')]
print('Filtered 0xB1 data: ' + auxStr)
auxStr = ""
auxStr = ""
return auxStr
def sendCommand(szOutFinal, mydevice):
#buffer = StringIO()
buffer = BytesIO()
url = str("http://{}/ax?c2=191&c1=RfRaw%20".format(mydevice))
url += szOutFinal
print("Sending command to bridge")
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.URL, url)
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
body = buffer.getvalue()
def DrawImage(buckets, data):
lines = []
font = ImageFont.load_default()
Bucket_High_Low_Marking = False
repeats = 2
if (options.debug):
print("DrawImage, try to draw a image of: " + data)
for i in range(0, len(data)):
if ((int(data[i:i+1], 16) & 0x08) != 0):
if (options.debug):
print("DrawImage, bucket high/low marking is included")
Bucket_High_Low_Marking = True
for i in range(0, len(data)):
if (data[i:i+1] != 'F'):
lines.append(buckets[int(data[i:i+1], 16) & 0x07])
f = 0.03
import math
picture ="L", (int(math.ceil(sum(lines * repeats) * f)) + 10, 150))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(picture)
draw.rectangle(((0, 0), (picture.width - 1, picture.height - 1)), fill="white", outline="black")
x = 0
if Bucket_High_Low_Marking:
inverted = not ((int(data[0:1], 16) & 0x08) >> 3)
inverted = 0
y = inverted
lastX = x
lastY = y
for a in range(0, repeats):
y = inverted
for i in range(len(lines)):
lastX = x
x += lines[i]
# horizontal line
draw.line(((lastX * f, y * 50 + 25), (x * f, y * 50 + 25)), fill="black")
# vertical line
if not (i == 0 and lastY == y):
draw.line(((lastX * f, y * 50 + 25), (lastX * f, (not y) * 50 + 25)), fill="black")
draw.line(((lastX * f, picture.height - 70), (lastX * f, picture.height - 30)), fill="grey")
img_txt ="L", font.getsize(str(lines[i])))
draw_txt = ImageDraw.Draw(img_txt)
draw_txt.rectangle(((0, 0), (img_txt.width, img_txt.height)), fill="white")
draw_txt.text((0,0), str(lines[i]), font=font, fill="black")
picture.paste(img_txt.rotate(90, expand=1), (int(math.ceil(lastX * f)) + 2, 10 + 50 + 25))
lastY = y
y = not y
filename = "oscilloscope.jpg"
import webbrowser
print("Saved oscilloscope screen to " + filename)
def findSyncPattern(szData):
syncData = None
if ((len(szData) % 2) != 0):
print("Missing bucket in data...")
# try first if the second sync bucket is on the end of the data
bucketAtEnd = True
for i in range(0, len(szData) - 2, 2):
if ((int(szData[i:i+1], 16) & 0x07) == (int(szData[i+1:i+2], 16) & 0x07)):
bucketAtEnd = False
# try next if the second sync bucket is on the front of the data
bucketAtFront = True
for i in range(1, len(szData) - 1, 2):
if ((int(szData[i:i+1], 16) & 0x07) == (int(szData[i+1:i+2], 16) & 0x07)):
bucketAtFront = False
if (bucketAtEnd and bucketAtFront):
print("Something is wrong with the RF data!")
elif bucketAtEnd:
syncData = szData[-2:] + szData[0:-2]
if (options.debug):
print("Second sync bucket is on end")
print("Sync buckets: " + szData[-2:])
print("New data: " + syncData)
elif bucketAtFront:
syncData = szData[-1:] + szData[0:-1]
if (options.debug):
print("Second sync bucket is in front")
print("Sync buckets: " + szData[-1:] + szData[0:1])
print("New data: " + syncData)
return syncData
def decodeBuckets(buckets, data):
# find used buckets
arrBuckets = [0] * len(buckets)
for i in range(0, len(data)):
if (int(data[i:i+1], 16) != 0x0F):
arrBuckets[int(data[i:i+1], 16) & 0x07] = buckets[int(data[i:i+1], 16) & 0x07]
# remove unused buckets
i = 0
while i < len(arrBuckets):
if (arrBuckets[i] == 0):
i += 1
if (len(arrBuckets) > 2):
print("Failed to decode buckets...")
if (arrBuckets[0] > arrBuckets[1]):
bit1_mask = "01"
bit1_mask = "10"
print("Bitcount: %d" % ((len(data)) / 2))
code = ""
for i in range(0, len(data), 2):
if (data[i:i+2] == bit1_mask):
code += "1"
code += "0"
return "0x%X" % int(code, 2)
def main(szInpStr, repVal):
if (options.debug):
print("%s" % szInpStr)
if (options.verbose):
print("Repeat: %d" % repVal)
iNbrOfBuckets = int(szInpStr[4:6], 16)
arrBuckets = []
if (options.verbose):
print("Number of buckets: %d" % iNbrOfBuckets)
# Start packing
szOutAux = " %0.2X " % iNbrOfBuckets
szOutAux += "%0.2X " % repVal
for i in range(0, iNbrOfBuckets):
szOutAux += szInpStr[6+i*4:10+i*4] + " "
arrBuckets.append(int(szInpStr[6+i*4:10+i*4], 16))
syncData = findSyncPattern(szInpStr[10+i*4:-2])
if (syncData != None):
szOutAux += syncData
DrawImage(arrBuckets, syncData)
szBits = decodeBuckets(arrBuckets, syncData[2:])
if (szBits != None):
print("Decoded value: " + szBits)
DrawImage(arrBuckets, szInpStr[10+i*4:-2])
szOutAux += szInpStr[10+i*4:-2]
szDataStr = szOutAux.replace(' ', '')
szOutAux += " 55"
iLength = int(len(szDataStr) / 2)
szOutAux = "AA B0 " + "%0.2X" % iLength + szOutAux
if (options.device):
sendCommand(szOutAux, options.device)
print("Resulting 0xB0 data: " + szOutAux)
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog 0.3")
parser.add_option("-e", "--dev", action="store", type="string",
dest="device", help="device to send RfRaw B0 command")
parser.add_option("-r", "--repeat", action="store",
dest="repeat", default=20, help="number of times to repeat")
parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true",
dest="debug", default=False, help="show debug info")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
dest="verbose", default=False, help="show more detailed info")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# In program command line put two values (received Raw between '"' and desired repeats)
# Example: "AA B1 04 0224 03FB 0BF4 1CAC 01101001100101011010100110010101101010010110011023 55" 20
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(args) < 1:
#parser.error("incorrect number of arguments. Use -h or --help")
strInput = getInputStr()
if (len(strInput) > 0):
main(strInput, options.repeat)