Delete duplicate code block

Fixing possible copy paste error
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ogaslantas 2017-03-18 17:40:46 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7fb920ccdf
commit f77ecb3273
1 changed files with 0 additions and 748 deletions

View File

@ -894,751 +894,3 @@ void RemoveLinesSpiffsTC(String Line2Remove) {
// -------------------------------- END SPIFFS functions ---------------------------------
// Delimiter used in TimeCommands savefile: 1 character
#define TCSaveFileDelimiter ","
// Keyword to enter the Time Commands center from the start page
// Available commands for all the 433MHz devices to be controled
// All functions available at the "433 functions" section below
// Function names
void (*TCommandsFunctions[])() = {switchon1, switchoff1, switchon2, switchoff2};
// Keywords that fire the 433MHz functions from the start page
char* TCommandsFNames[] = {"SWITCH-1-ON", "SWITCH-1-OFF", "SWITCH-2-ON", "SWITCH-2-OFF"};
// Calculate number of functions
#define numAvailFuncs (sizeof(TCommandsFNames)/sizeof(char *))
// The number of alarms can be changed in the TimeAlarms header file TimeAlarms.h set by the constant dtNBR_ALARMS
// note that the RAM used equals dtNBR_ALARMS * 11 bytes
// right now for THE433 project it is set to #define dtNBR_ALARMS 20
// for 10 Time Alarms possible + spares for other internal functions
#define MAXTCommands 10
// Array that holds the Time Commands that are executed Once in RAM so they can be deleted from SPIFFS save file in the future
String alarmepochs[MAXTCommands][2];
int countTCommands = 0;;
// NTPInterval is how long we wait until NTP next NTP server poll
#define NTPinterval 1 * 24 * 3600000 // days * hours * milliseconds (1 day)
int NTPcountdown = 0;
#define NTPreboot 2
// Tracks the time since last NTP check
unsigned long NTPpreviousMillis = 0;
// -------------------------------- START WEB and MESSAGES ---------------------------------
// HTML Strings etc.
String TCsubmitResult = "";
String SPIFFSstatus;
String SPIFFSTCommandsList;
String pinstate = "<h2>-</h2>";
const char webPageClearTCButton[] PROGMEM = "<br><form action=\"/removeTCSaveFile\" target=\"_top\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"! Delete TimeCommands file !\"></form>\n";
const char webPageHomeButton[] PROGMEM = "<br><form action=\"/\" target=\"_top\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"home\"></form>\n";
const char webPage433form[] PROGMEM = "\n<form action='/submit' method='POST'><input type=\"text\" name=\"pin\" value=\"\"><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form>\n";
const char webPageTC_0[] PROGMEM = "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width:80%;border: 1px solid #fff;\"><tr>"
"<td style=\"text-align:center;width:10%;\">&nbsp;</td><td style=\"text-align:left;width:40%;\"><br>";
const char webPageTC_1[] PROGMEM = "<br><br><form action='/TCsubmit' method='POST'><b>Time Command:</b>&nbsp;<input type=\"text\" name=\"tmcommand\" id=\"formtmcommand\" value=\"\" required=\"required\"><br><br><br><b>Schedule:</b>&nbsp;<br><br>"
"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"AlarmType\" value=\"AlarmOnce\">&nbsp;<b>Alarm Once</b><br>(once when the time next reaches the given hour, minute)<br><br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"AlarmType\" value=\"AlarmRepeatDaily\">&nbsp;<b>Daily Alarm Repeat</b><br>(every day at the given hour, minute)<br><br>"
"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"AlarmType\" value=\"AlarmOnceDOW\">&nbsp;<b>Weekly Alarm Once</b><br>(once only on the next DayOfWeek, hour, minute)<br><br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"AlarmType\" value=\"AlarmRepeatDOW\">&nbsp;<b>Weekly Alarm Repeat</b><br>(every week on the given DayOfWeek, hour, minute)<br><br><br><br><b>Time:</b>&nbsp;<br><br>"
"Day:&nbsp;<select size=\"1\" name=\"tcdow\" required=\"required\" id=\"formtcdow\">"
"<option value=\"\">&nbsp;</option><option value=\"nodow\" selected>none</option><option value=\"1\">Sunday</option><option value=\"2\">Monday</option><option value=\"3\">Tuesday</option><option value=\"4\">Wednesday</option><option value=\"5\">Thursday</option><option value=\"6\">Friday</option><option value=\"7\">Saturday</option>"
"</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;Hour:&nbsp;<select size=\"1\" name=\"tchour\" required=\"required\" id=\"formtchour\">"
"<option value=\"\">&nbsp;</option><option value=\"0\" selected>00</option><option value=\"1\">1</option><option value=\"2\">2</option><option value=\"3\">3</option><option value=\"4\">4</option><option value=\"5\">5</option><option value=\"6\">6</option><option value=\"7\">7</option><option value=\"8\">8</option><option value=\"9\">9</option>"
"<option value=\"10\">10</option><option value=\"11\">11</option><option value=\"12\">12</option><option value=\"13\">13</option><option value=\"14\">14</option><option value=\"15\">15</option><option value=\"16\">16</option><option value=\"17\">17</option><option value=\"18\">18</option><option value=\"19\">19</option><option value=\"20\">20</option><option value=\"21\">21</option><option value=\"22\">22</option><option value=\"23\">23</option>"
"</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;Minutes:&nbsp;<select size=\"1\" name=\"tcminutes\" required=\"required\" id=\"formtcminutes\">"
"<option value=\"\">&nbsp;</option><option value=\"0\" selected>00</option><option value=\"1\">1</option><option value=\"2\">2</option><option value=\"3\">3</option><option value=\"4\">4</option><option value=\"5\">5</option><option value=\"6\">6</option><option value=\"7\">7</option><option value=\"8\">8</option><option value=\"9\">9</option>"
"<option value=\"10\">10</option><option value=\"11\">11</option><option value=\"12\">12</option><option value=\"13\">13</option><option value=\"14\">14</option><option value=\"15\">15</option><option value=\"16\">16</option><option value=\"17\">17</option><option value=\"18\">18</option><option value=\"19\">19</option><option value=\"20\">20</option><option value=\"21\">21</option><option value=\"22\">22</option><option value=\"23\">23</option>"
"<option value=\"24\">24</option><option value=\"25\">25</option><option value=\"26\">26</option><option value=\"27\">27</option><option value=\"28\">28</option><option value=\"29\">29</option><option value=\"30\">30</option><option value=\"31\">31</option><option value=\"32\">32</option><option value=\"33\">33</option><option value=\"34\">34</option><option value=\"35\">35</option><option value=\"36\">36</option><option value=\"37\">37</option>"
"<option value=\"38\">38</option><option value=\"39\">39</option><option value=\"40\">40</option><option value=\"41\">41</option><option value=\"42\">42</option><option value=\"43\">43</option><option value=\"44\">44</option><option value=\"45\">45</option><option value=\"46\">46</option><option value=\"47\">47</option>"
"<option value=\"48\">48</option><option value=\"49\">49</option><option value=\"50\">50</option><option value=\"51\">51</option><option value=\"52\">52</option><option value=\"53\">53</option><option value=\"54\">54</option><option value=\"55\">55</option><option value=\"56\">56</option><option value=\"57\">57</option><option value=\"58\">58</option><option value=\"59\">59</option>"
"</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form><br>"
"</td><td style=\"text-align:center;width:10%;\">&nbsp;</td><td style=\"text-align:left;width:40%;\"><br><br>";
const char webPageTC_2[] PROGMEM = "<br><br></td></tr></table>\n";
const char NTPfail[] PROGMEM = "<br><br><p style=\"font-size:medium\"><b>NTP Time failure. TimeCommands are not available!</b></p>\n";
const char SPIFFSTCommandsList_1[] PROGMEM = "<hr><br><b>---&nbsp;TimeCommands in SPIFFS&nbsp;---</b>";
const char SPIFFSTCommandsList_2[] PROGMEM = "<br><b>---&nbsp;-&nbsp;---</b><br><br>";
const char SPIFFSTCommandsList_3[] PROGMEM = "<form action=\"/TClistdelline\" target=\"_top\"><ul style=\"list-style-type:none\">";
const char SPIFFSTCommandsList_4[] PROGMEM = "<li><input type=\"radio\" name=\"TC2Remove\" value=\"";
const char SPIFFSTCommandsList_5[] PROGMEM = "</ul><input type=\"submit\" value=\"delete selected TimeCommand\"></form>\n";
const char esprestartmsg[] PROGMEM = "<br>Restart esp in order to activate TimeCommands!";
const char webPageRestartButton[] PROGMEM = "<br><form action=\"/esp433restart\" target=\"_top\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"! RESTART ESP !\"></form>\n";
String webPageFooter = "\n<br>- version: " THE433_VERSION " -\n<br>ESP Free Heap: " + String(ESP.getFreeHeap()) + "\n</body></html>";
String webPageHeader(String webtitle, String webpagetitle, String backcolor, String fontcolor) {
return "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n"
"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"><title>" + webtitle + "</title>\n"
"<style type=\"text/css\">body {text-align:center;font-family: sans-serif;background-color: " + backcolor + ";color: " + fontcolor + ";} a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active {color:" + fontcolor + ";}</style>\n"
"<h1>" + webpagetitle + "</h1>\n";
// Lists the available Time Commands for the web interface
String TCommandsCall() {
String TCwebstring = "<ul style=\"list-style-type:none\">";
for (int i = 0; i < numAvailFuncs; ++i) {
String thetcommand = TCommandsFNames[i];
TCwebstring += "<li>";
TCwebstring += i + 1;
TCwebstring += ":&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>";
TCwebstring += "<a href=\"#\" target=\"_top\" onClick=\"document.getElementById(\'formtmcommand\').value=\'" + thetcommand + "\'\">";
TCwebstring += thetcommand;
TCwebstring += "</a>";
TCwebstring += "</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>";
TCwebstring += "</li>";
TCwebstring += "</ul>";
return TCwebstring;
// -------------------------------- END WEB ---------------------------------
// -------------------------------- START 433 functions ---------------------------------
// Main 433MHz RF functions. Can be called from main page of the web interface with the keyowrds at the top.
// -------------------------------- with RCSwitch library -------------
void RCSwitchCall(int PulseL, char* RCSCode, String thepinstate) {
//Serial.print(F("RF SEND"));
pinstate = thepinstate;
void switchon1() {
RCSwitchCall(260, "010001111000101001010101", "<h2>RC switch 1 ON</h2>");
void switchoff1() {
RCSwitchCall(260, "000010000000100101010100", "<h2>RC switch 1 OFF</h2>");
// -------------------------------- with RFControl library -------------
void RFControlCall(unsigned long RFCbuckets[], char* RFCTimings, String thepinstate ) {
RFControl::sendByCompressedTimings(RCSwitchPin, RFCbuckets, RFCTimings, RFrepeatTimes);
//Serial.print(F("RF SEND"));
pinstate = thepinstate;
// ------------- BRENNENSTUHL A
void switchon2() {
unsigned long nsigbuckets[] = {1256, 496, 2984, 6256, 0, 0, 0, 0};
RFControlCall(nsigbuckets, "01101010010000000101011111011001101001000100101024", "<h2>RC2-1</h2>");
void switchoff2() {
unsigned long nsigbuckets[] = {1256, 492, 2984, 6258, 0, 0, 0, 0};
RFControlCall(nsigbuckets, "01101101100100000110011111011010011001001010101024", "<h2>RC2-0</h2>");
// -------------------------------- END 433 functions ---------------------------------
// -------------------------------- START general functions ---------------------------------
// Pad time digits with zeros for HTML
String calcDigits(int digits) {
// utility function for digital clock display: prints preceding colon and leading 0
String stringDigi = "";
if (digits < 10) stringDigi = "0" + String(digits);
else stringDigi = String(digits);
return stringDigi;
// Time.h (library) function to convert given time to seconds
time_t tmConvert_t(int YYYY, byte MM, byte DD, byte hh, byte mm, byte ss)
tmElements_t tmSet;
tmSet.Year = YYYY - 1970;
tmSet.Month = MM;
tmSet.Day = DD;
tmSet.Hour = hh;
tmSet.Minute = mm;
tmSet.Second = ss;
return makeTime(tmSet); //convert to time_t
// -------------------------------- END general functions ---------------------------------
// -------------------------------- START ALARM functions ---------------------------------
// Empty array of Time Commands at boot
void nullFillalarmepochs() {
for (int i = 0; i < MAXTCommands; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
alarmepochs[i][j] = "";
// Function to delete Time Commands that have been executed and where set to execute Once only from SPIFFS save file
void CleanupTC() {
//Serial.print("tic "); Serial.println(second());
if (NTPsuccess) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAXTCommands; i++) {
if ((alarmepochs[i][0] != "") && (alarmepochs[i][1] != "")) {
unsigned long chcktm = alarmepochs[i][0].toInt();
if (chcktm > 0) {
// No need to set it here. It is set at main setup function at the end.
//chcktm = chcktm + (2 * 60); // (minutes * seconds) that must have passed in order to clean the alarm event
if (now() > chcktm) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
alarmepochs[i][j] = "";
Serial.println(F("periodic cleanup: TimeCommand removed!"));
// NTP time poll every NTPinterval
unsigned long NTPcurrentMillis = millis();
if ((unsigned long)(NTPcurrentMillis - NTPpreviousMillis) >= NTPinterval) {
NTPpreviousMillis = NTPcurrentMillis;
if (!NTPsuccess) {
if (NTPcountdown = NTPreboot) handle_restart();
// Add Time Commands that are set to execute Once only to an array to be cleaned from SPIFFS save file
void SetupCleanTimer(String inTC, String OnceTCepoch, int inLine) {
inTC.replace("\n", "");
alarmepochs[inLine - 1][0] = OnceTCepoch;
alarmepochs[inLine - 1][1] = inTC;
// Set Time Commands to Alarms from TimeAlarms library at boot
void SetupAlarms(int tmpTCommand, String tmpAlarmType, String tmpDOW, int tmpTChour, int tmpTCminute) {
if (tmpAlarmType == "AlarmRepeatDaily") {
Alarm.alarmRepeat(tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
Serial.println(F("Alarm set!"));
} else if (tmpAlarmType == "AlarmOnce") {
Alarm.alarmOnce(tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
Serial.println(F("Alarm set!"));
} else {
//dowSunday, dowMonday, dowTuesday, dowWednesday, dowThursday, dowFriday, or dowSaturday
if (tmpAlarmType == "AlarmRepeatDOW") {
if (tmpDOW == "1") {
Alarm.alarmRepeat(dowSunday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "2") {
Alarm.alarmRepeat(dowMonday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "3") {
Alarm.alarmRepeat(dowTuesday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "4") {
Alarm.alarmRepeat(dowWednesday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "5") {
Alarm.alarmRepeat(dowThursday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "6") {
Alarm.alarmRepeat(dowFriday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "7") {
Alarm.alarmRepeat(dowSaturday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
Serial.println(F("Alarm set!"));
} else if (tmpAlarmType == "AlarmOnceDOW") {
if (tmpDOW == "1") {
Alarm.alarmOnce(dowSunday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "2") {
Alarm.alarmOnce(dowMonday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "3") {
Alarm.alarmOnce(dowTuesday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "4") {
Alarm.alarmOnce(dowWednesday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "5") {
Alarm.alarmOnce(dowThursday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "6") {
Alarm.alarmOnce(dowFriday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
} else if (tmpDOW == "7") {
Alarm.alarmOnce(dowSaturday, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, 0, TCommandsFunctions[tmpTCommand]);
Serial.println(F("Alarm set!"));
// Alarm.delay to feed the TimeAlarms library
// Parse lines from the SPIFFS save file into SetupAlarms function above
// and also to the commands to be cleaned array
void parseTC(String inTC, int inLine) {
int tmpTCommand, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6;
String tmpAlarmType, TCcc, TChh, TCmm, tmpDOW, tmpOnceTCepoch, tmpisOnce;
ind1 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter);
ind2 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter, ind1 + 1);
ind3 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter, ind2 + 1);
ind4 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter, ind3 + 1);
ind5 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter, ind4 + 1);
ind6 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter, ind5 + 1);
TCcc = inTC.substring(0, ind1);
tmpTCommand = TCcc.toInt();
tmpAlarmType = inTC.substring(ind1 + 1, ind2);
tmpDOW = inTC.substring(ind2 + 1, ind3);
TChh = inTC.substring(ind3 + 1, ind4);
tmpTChour = TChh.toInt();
TCmm = inTC.substring(ind4 + 1, ind5);
tmpTCminute = TCmm.toInt();
tmpOnceTCepoch = inTC.substring(ind5 + 1, ind6);
tmpisOnce = inTC.substring(ind6 + 1);
SetupAlarms(tmpTCommand, tmpAlarmType, tmpDOW, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute);
// set commands that are Once only to an array to be cleaned from SPIFFS save file
if (tmpisOnce == "1") SetupCleanTimer(inTC, tmpOnceTCepoch, inLine);
//Serial.println(inLine); Serial.println(tmpOnceTCepoch);
// Parse lines from the SPIFFS save file for HTML show
String parseTC2HTML(String inTC, int inLine) {
String tmpAlarmType, TCcc, tmpTChour, tmpTCminute, TCdd, parsed2html;
int ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, ind5, ind6, tmpTCommand, tmpDOW;
ind1 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter);
ind2 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter, ind1 + 1);
ind3 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter, ind2 + 1);
ind4 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter, ind3 + 1);
ind5 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter, ind4 + 1);
ind6 = inTC.indexOf(TCSaveFileDelimiter, ind5 + 1);
TCcc = inTC.substring(0, ind1);
tmpTCommand = TCcc.toInt();
tmpAlarmType = inTC.substring(ind1 + 1, ind2);
TCdd = inTC.substring(ind2 + 1, ind3);
tmpDOW = TCdd.toInt();
tmpTChour = inTC.substring(ind3 + 1, ind4);
tmpTCminute = inTC.substring(ind4 + 1, ind5);
//tmpOnceTCepoch = inTC.substring(ind5 + 1, ind6);
//tmpisOnce = inTC.substring(ind6 + 1);
parsed2html = "<b>" + String(inLine) + ".&nbsp;type:</b>" + tmpAlarmType + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>command:</b>";
parsed2html += String(TCommandsFNames[tmpTCommand]);
if (tmpDOW > 0) parsed2html += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>day:</b>" + String(dayStr(tmpDOW));
parsed2html += "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>hour:</b>" + String(tmpTChour) + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>minute:</b>" + tmpTCminute + "<br><br>";
return parsed2html;
// -------------------------------- END ALARM functions ---------------------------------
// -------------------------------- START server functions ---------------------------------
// Timestamp function for the web interface
String timestamp() {
if (NTPsuccess) {
String theday = dayStr(weekday());
String themonth = monthStr(month());
return "<br><br><p>local time timestamp: <b>" + theday + ", " + String(day()) + " " + themonth + " " + String(year()) + "</b> -- <b>" + calcDigits(hour()) + ":" + calcDigits(minute()) + ":" + calcDigits(second()) + "</b></p>\n";
} else return FPSTR(NTPfail);
// When the Restart button is pressed at the web interface
void handle_restart() {
String tmppinstate;
tmppinstate = pinstate;
pinstate = F("<b>Please wait a few seconds.<br>! Device will reboot !</b><br><br>");
pinstate += tmppinstate;
// Main Time Commands web interface
void handle_timecommands() {
String SServerSend;
SServerSend = webPageHeader("THE433 TimeCommands control", "THE433 TimeCommands control", "#333", "#fff");
if (NTPsuccess) {
SServerSend += TCsubmitResult + SPIFFSstatus + "<br>";
SServerSend += FPSTR(webPageTC_0);
SServerSend += F("<b>You can add up to&nbsp;");
SServerSend += MAXTCommands;
SServerSend += F("&nbsp;Time Commands<br>(used Time Command slots:&nbsp;");
SServerSend += countTCommands;
SServerSend += F(")</b>");
SServerSend += FPSTR(webPageTC_1);
SServerSend += TCommandsCall();
SServerSend += FPSTR(webPageTC_2);
SServerSend += timestamp();
SServerSend += FPSTR(webPageHomeButton);
if (NTPsuccess) SServerSend += FPSTR(SPIFFSTCommandsList_1);
if (NTPsuccess) SServerSend += SPIFFSTCommandsList;
if (NTPsuccess) SServerSend += FPSTR(SPIFFSTCommandsList_2);
if (NTPsuccess) SServerSend += FPSTR(webPageClearTCButton);
SServerSend += FPSTR(webPageRestartButton);
SServerSend += webPageFooter;
server.send(200, "text/html", SServerSend);
// When a new Time Command is added from the web interface
void handle_TCsubmit() {
String state = server.arg("tmcommand");
if (countTCommands < MAXTCommands) {
int TCommandPos = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numAvailFuncs; ++i) {
if (state == TCommandsFNames[i]) {
TCommandPos = i;
if (TCommandPos == -1) {
TCsubmitResult = F("Command not found!");
} else {
if ((server.arg("AlarmType") == "") || (server.arg("tchour") == "") || (server.arg("tcminutes") == "")) {
TCsubmitResult = F("Wrong or no selection in Schedule or Time!");
} else if (((server.arg("tcdow") == "") || (server.arg("tcdow") == "nodow")) && ((server.arg("AlarmType") == "AlarmRepeatDOW") || (server.arg("AlarmType") == "AlarmOnceDOW"))) {
TCsubmitResult = F("You have to select a Day with that alarm type!");
} else if (((server.arg("tchour").toInt() >= 0) && (server.arg("tchour").toInt() < 24)) || ((server.arg("tcminutes").toInt() >= 0) && (server.arg("tcminutes").toInt() < 59))) {
String S2Write;
int s2d, s2h, s2m;
s2d = server.arg("tcdow").toInt();
s2h = server.arg("tchour").toInt();
s2m = server.arg("tcminutes").toInt();
S2Write = String(TCommandPos) + TCSaveFileDelimiter;
S2Write += server.arg("AlarmType") + TCSaveFileDelimiter;
if ((server.arg("AlarmType") == "AlarmRepeatDaily") || (server.arg("AlarmType") == "AlarmOnce")) {
S2Write += "nodow";
S2Write += TCSaveFileDelimiter;
} else S2Write += server.arg("tcdow") + TCSaveFileDelimiter;
S2Write += server.arg("tchour") + TCSaveFileDelimiter;
S2Write += server.arg("tcminutes") + TCSaveFileDelimiter;
time_t s_tm;
if (server.arg("AlarmType") == "AlarmOnce") {
if (s2h > hour()) {
s_tm = tmConvert_t(year(), month(), day(), s2h, s2m, 0);
} else if ((s2h == hour()) && (s2m > minute())) {
s_tm = tmConvert_t(year(), month(), day(), s2h, s2m, 0);
} else {
s_tm = tmConvert_t(year(), month(), day() + 1, s2h, s2m, 0);
S2Write += String(s_tm) + String(TCSaveFileDelimiter) + "1";
} else if (server.arg("AlarmType") == "AlarmOnceDOW") {
if (s2d == weekday()) {
if (s2h > hour()) {
s_tm = tmConvert_t(year(), month(), day(), s2h, s2m, 0);
} else if ((s2h == hour()) && (s2m > minute())) {
s_tm = tmConvert_t(year(), month(), day(), s2h, s2m, 0);
} else {
s_tm = tmConvert_t(year(), month(), day() + 7, s2h, s2m, 0);
} else {
int s2dd = s2d - weekday();
if (s2dd < 0) {
s2dd = s2dd + 7;
s_tm = tmConvert_t(year(), month(), day() + s2dd, s2h, s2m, 0);
S2Write += String(s_tm) + String(TCSaveFileDelimiter) + "1";
} else S2Write += "0" + String(TCSaveFileDelimiter) + "0";
} else {
TCsubmitResult = F("Up to ");
TCsubmitResult += MAXTCommands;
TCsubmitResult += F(" TimeCommands are allowed!");
// Execute Time Command remove from save file from web interface
void handle_TCsubmitRemove() {
if (server.arg("TC2Remove") != "") {
} else TCsubmitResult = F("No Time Command selected to delete!");
// Main web page for controling 433MHz switches directly
void handle_root() {
String SServerSend;
SServerSend = webPageHeader("THE433 control", "THE433 control", "#000", "#fff") + pinstate;
SServerSend += FPSTR(webPage433form);
SServerSend += timestamp();
SServerSend += SPIFFSstatus;
SServerSend += FPSTR(webPageHomeButton);
SServerSend += webPageFooter;
server.send(200, "text/html", SServerSend);
// Form of the main web page, activates a 433MHz switch or enters Time Commands interface
void handle_submit() {
String state = server.arg("pin");
} else {
int TCommandPos = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numAvailFuncs; ++i) {
if (state == TCommandsFNames[i]) {
TCommandPos = i;
if (TCommandPos != -1) {
} else {
pinstate = F("<h2>-</h2>");
// -------------------------------- END server functions ---------------------------------
// -------------------------------- START SPIFFS functions ---------------------------------
// Format SPIFFS of esp8266, not accessible from the web interface
void formatspiffs() {
String SServerSend;
SServerSend = webPageHeader("THE433 control", "THE433 control", "#000", "#fff");
SServerSend += F("<h2>! formatting SPIFFS !<br>Please wait 30 seconds.<br>! Device will reboot then !</h2>");
SServerSend += timestamp();
SServerSend += webPageFooter;
server.send(200, "text/html", SServerSend);
Serial.println(F("SPIFFS formatted!"));
// Deletes the TCSaveFile that Time Commands are stored in from SPIFFS
void removeTCSaveFile() {
Serial.println(TCSaveFile " removed.");
// Reads the TCSaveFile that Time Commands are stored in from SPIFFS
// at boot and sets the needed Alarm timers.
// Also lists stored Time Commands for the web interface
void readSpiffsTC() {
SPIFFSstatus = "";
SPIFFSTCommandsList = "";
if (SPIFFS.begin()) {
SPIFFSstatus = F("SPIFFS mounted.\n");
if (SPIFFS.exists(TCSaveFile)) {
Serial.println("reading " TCSaveFile);
File TCconfigFile =, "r");
if (TCconfigFile) {
SPIFFSTCommandsList = FPSTR(SPIFFSTCommandsList_3);
Serial.println("opened " TCSaveFile);
while (TCconfigFile.available()) {
String line = TCconfigFile.readStringUntil('\n');
line.replace("\n", "");
parseTC(line, countTCommands);
SPIFFSTCommandsList += FPSTR(SPIFFSTCommandsList_4);
SPIFFSTCommandsList += line + "\">&nbsp;&nbsp;";
SPIFFSTCommandsList += parseTC2HTML(line, countTCommands);
SPIFFSTCommandsList += "</li>";
SPIFFSstatus += " " + String(countTCommands) + " commands read.\n";
SPIFFSTCommandsList += FPSTR(SPIFFSTCommandsList_5);
} else {
Serial.println("Error opening " TCSaveFile "!");
SPIFFSstatus = "Error opening " TCSaveFile "!\n";
} else {
Serial.println(TCSaveFile " not found!");
SPIFFSstatus += F(" TimeCommands file not found!\n");
} else {
SPIFFSstatus = F("SPIFFS mount failed!\n");
SPIFFSstatus = "<p>" + SPIFFSstatus + "</p>\n";
// Writes a newly entered Time Command in TCSaveFile stored in SPIFFS
void writeSpiffsTC(String inputline) {
TCsubmitResult = "";
File TCconfigFile =, "a");
if (!TCconfigFile) {
Serial.println(TCSaveFile " doesn't exist yet. Creating it");
File TCconfigFile =, "w");
if (!TCconfigFile) {
Serial.println(TCSaveFile "file creation failed!!!");
TCsubmitResult = TCSaveFile "file creation failed!!!";
TCsubmitResult = "TimeCommand written in " TCSaveFile;
TCsubmitResult += FPSTR(esprestartmsg);
TCsubmitResult += FPSTR(webPageRestartButton);
// Removes a given line from TCSaveFile
void RemoveLinesSpiffsTC(String Line2Remove) {
TCsubmitResult = "";
if (SPIFFS.begin()) {
SPIFFSstatus = F("SPIFFS mounted.\n");
if (SPIFFS.exists(TCSaveFile)) {
Serial.println("reading " TCSaveFile);
File TCconfigFile =, "r");
File tempTCconfigFile ="/TCconfig.temp", "w");
if (!TCconfigFile || !tempTCconfigFile) {
Serial.println(F("/TCconfig.temp file creation failed!!! Aborting!"));
TCsubmitResult = F("/TCconfig.temp file creation failed!!! Aborting!");
Serial.println("opened " TCSaveFile);
Serial.println(F("opened /TCconfig.temp"));
while (TCconfigFile.available()) {
String line = TCconfigFile.readStringUntil('\n');
line.replace("\n", "");
if (Line2Remove != line) {
Serial.println(F("/TCconfig.temp written."));
// close files
// replace config file
if (SPIFFS.exists("/TCconfig.temp")) {
Serial.println(TCSaveFile " removed.");
SPIFFS.rename("/TCconfig.temp", TCSaveFile);
if (SPIFFS.exists(TCSaveFile)) {
Serial.println(TCSaveFile " replaced.");
TCsubmitResult = "TimeCommand removed!";
TCsubmitResult += FPSTR(esprestartmsg);
TCsubmitResult += FPSTR(webPageRestartButton);
} else {
Serial.println(TCSaveFile " not found!");
SPIFFSstatus += F(" TimeCommands file not found!\n");
} else {
SPIFFSstatus = F("SPIFFS mount failed!\n");
SPIFFSstatus = "<p>" + SPIFFSstatus + "</p>\n";
// -------------------------------- END SPIFFS functions ---------------------------------
// -------------------------------- setup & loop ---------------------------------
void setup(void) {
byte ledStatus = HIGH;
// uncomment the following if you set a static IP in the begining
WiFi.config(nkip, nkgateway, nksubnet);
// call espWiFi2eeprom to connect to saved to eeprom AP or
// to create an AP to store new values for SSID and password
Serial.print(F("IP address: "));
// espWiFi2eeprom: with the two following you can restart or clear eeprom
// from your main esp8266 server
server.on(restartcommand, handle_APrestart);
server.on(cleareepromcommand, handle_clearAPeeprom);
// get NTP time and convert it to local
// NKNTP.h and NKNTP.ino files must be present
// in NKNTP.h you can set your time zone and DST
// Empty array of Time Commands at boot
// If we got NTP time then Time Commands are available
if (NTPsuccess) {
server.on("/TCsubmit", handle_TCsubmit);
server.on("/removeTCSaveFile", removeTCSaveFile);
server.on("/formatspiffs", formatspiffs);
server.on("/TClistdelline", handle_TCsubmitRemove);
server.on("/esp433restart", handle_restart);
server.on("/", handle_root);
server.on("/submit", handle_submit);
// Set up the cleanup function of Once only executed Time Commands and poll NTP server
Alarm.timerRepeat(33 * 59, CleanupTC); // (minutes * seconds) that must have passed in order to clean the alarm events, also poll NTP server
Serial.println("Cleanup set");
Serial.println(F("HTTP server started"));
//for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) Serial.println(;
void loop(void) {
// the following is needed for the TimeAlarms libray