pandoc ========== ## INTRO [Pandoc]( is a very useful tool to convert one format file into another. ## INSTALL * install pandoc > sudo apt-get install pandoc * install latex > sudo apt-get install texlive-full * install markdown > sudo apt-get install markdown ## USAGE 1. convert markdown format to html > pandoc -0 out.html * C-c C-c e in emacs save to base.html * C-c C-c p in emacs for web browser 2. convert markdown format to pdf * English-language only. > pandoc --latex-engine=xelatex -o README.pdf * If file contains Chinese-language. Ref [Flynn blog]( > pandoc --template=pandoc.template --latex-engine=xelatex -o > example.pdf 3. HTML slide shows. I prefer the dzslides and revealjs style. > pandoc -s --mathml -i -t dzslides SLIDES -o dzslides.html > pandoc -s --webtex -i -t slidy SLIDES -o slidy.html > pandoc -s --mathjax -i -t revealjs SLIDES -o revealjs.html ## NOTE 1. check Chinese-language fonts in linux. > fc-list :lang=zh 2. [using markdown to write books]( 3. [more examples]( ## VERSION * 2014-04-23 v0.1 (initial pandoc instructions files.)