rsync ========= ## INTRO Rsync is a very common and useful backup tool, this subrepo aims to configure rsync server and client. *SHELL-SCRIPT* ## FILE-SERVER * rsync in server path /etc/default/rsync. * rsyncd.conf in server path /etc/rsyncd.conf. * rsyncd.scrt secret file in server /etc/rsyncd.scrt, chmod 600 rsyncd.scrt (other usrs cannot read, write and excute). ## FILE-CLIENT * rsyncd.scrt as rsyncd.scrt in FILE-SERVER. * client backup script. * client.conf clinet configure files. ## HOW-TO-INSTALL 1. in server: configure /etc/default/rsync with ./rsync 2. in server: configure /etc/rsyncd.conf and choose backup directory 3. in server: running rsync as daemon process: sudo /etc/init.d/rsync start 4. in client: configure ./client.conf 5. in client: configure ./ ## REFS * link [office website]( "rsync manual.") ## CRONTAB-SETTING * crontab setting: */30 * * * * /home/aborn/backup/ >> /home/aborn/backup/client.log 2>&1 ## AUTHOR Aborn Jiang ( ## VERSION 2014-01-21 v0.1