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* IRCommandDispatcher.h
* Library to process IR commands by calling functions specified in a mapping array.
* To run this example you need to install the "IRremote" or "IRMP" library under "Tools -> Manage Libraries..." or "Ctrl+Shift+I"
* Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Armin Joachimsmeyer
* This file is part of ServoEasing
* This file is part of IRMP
* This file is part of Arduino-IRremote
* IRCommandDispatcher is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <stdint.h>
* For command mapping file
#define IR_COMMAND_FLAG_BLOCKING 0x00 // default - blocking command, repeat not accepted, only one command at a time. Stops an already running command.
#define IR_COMMAND_FLAG_REPEATABLE 0x01 // repeat accepted
#define IR_COMMAND_FLAG_NON_BLOCKING 0x02 // Non blocking (short) command that can be processed any time and may interrupt other IR commands - used for stop, set direction etc.
#define IR_COMMAND_FLAG_BEEP 0x04 // Do a single short beep before executing command. May not be useful for short or repeating commands.
#if !defined(IS_STOP_REQUESTED)
#define IS_STOP_REQUESTED IRDispatcher.requestToStopReceived
#if !defined(RETURN_IF_STOP)
#define RETURN_IF_STOP if (IRDispatcher.requestToStopReceived) return
#if !defined(BREAK_IF_STOP)
#define BREAK_IF_STOP if (IRDispatcher.requestToStopReceived) break
#define DELAY_AND_RETURN_IF_STOP(aDurationMillis) if (IRDispatcher.delayAndCheckForStop(aDurationMillis)) return
// Basic mapping structure
struct IRToCommandMappingStruct {
uint16_t IRCode;
uint8_t IRCode;
uint8_t Flags;
void (*CommandToCall)();
const char *CommandString;
struct IRDataForCommandDispatcherStruct {
uint16_t address; // to distinguish between multiple senders
uint16_t command;
uint8_t command;
bool isRepeat;
uint32_t MillisOfLastCode; // millis() of last IR command -including repeats!- received - for timeouts etc.
volatile bool isAvailable; // flag for a polling interpreting function, that a new command has arrived. Is set true by library and set false by main loop.
* Special codes (hopefully) not sent by the remote - otherwise please redefine it here
#define COMMAND_EMPTY 0xFFFF // code no command
#define COMMAND_EMPTY 0xFF // code no command
class IRCommandDispatcher {
void init();
void printIRInfo(Print *aSerial);
bool checkAndRunNonBlockingCommands();
bool checkAndRunSuspendedBlockingCommands();
void setNextBlockingCommand(uint16_t aBlockingCommandToRunNext);
void setNextBlockingCommand(uint8_t aBlockingCommandToRunNext);
bool delayAndCheckForStop(uint16_t aDelayMillis);
// The main dispatcher function
void checkAndCallCommand(bool aCallBlockingCommandImmediately);
void printIRCommandString(Print *aSerial);
void setRequestToStopReceived(bool aRequestToStopReceived = true);
uint16_t currentBlockingCommandCalled = COMMAND_EMPTY; // The code for the current called command
uint16_t lastBlockingCommandCalled = COMMAND_EMPTY; // The code for the last called command. Can be evaluated by main loop
uint16_t BlockingCommandToRunNext = COMMAND_EMPTY; // Storage for command currently suspended to allow the current command to end, before it is called by main loop
uint8_t currentBlockingCommandCalled = COMMAND_EMPTY; // The code for the current called command
uint8_t lastBlockingCommandCalled = COMMAND_EMPTY; // The code for the last called command. Can be evaluated by main loop
uint8_t BlockingCommandToRunNext = COMMAND_EMPTY; // Storage for command currently suspended to allow the current command to end, before it is called by main loop
bool justCalledBlockingCommand = false; // Flag that a blocking command was received and called - is set before call of command
* Flag for running blocking commands to terminate. To check, you can use "if (IRDispatcher.requestToStopReceived) return;" (available as macro RETURN_IF_STOP).
* It is set if a blocking IR command received, which cannot be executed directly. Can be reset by main loop, if command has stopped.
* It is reset before executing a blocking command.
volatile bool requestToStopReceived;
* This flag must be true, if we have a function, which want to interpret the IR codes by itself e.g. the calibrate function of QuadrupedControl
bool doNotUseDispatcher = false;
struct IRDataForCommandDispatcherStruct IRReceivedData;
extern IRCommandDispatcher IRDispatcher;