name: "🐛 Bug Report" description: Only if something isn't working as expected 🤔, otherwise please open a discussion. title: "[Bug]: " body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | **Thanks for reporting an issue!** **Issues are expected to lead to changes in the repository, like code or documentation improvements or bug fixes.** If you have handling problems or questions, consider to post in [Discussions](../discussions) instead. # Environment - type: dropdown id: Board attributes: label: The type of board you are using. options: - Arduino ATmega328* board (UNO, Nano, etc.) - Arduino ATmega2560 board (Mega) - Arduino ATmega32U4 board (Leonardo, etc.) - Arduino ATmega4809 megaAVR board (NanoEvery) - Arduino SAM board (Due) - Arduino SAMD board (Zero, MKR*) - ATtiny85 board (ATTinyCore by Spence Conde) - Digispark board - ATtiny3217 board (TinyCore) - ESP32 board - first check - STM32F1 board (BluePill) - Teensy board - Other - please specify below validations: required: true - type: input id: Other_board_NAME_FQBN attributes: label: The boards name or FQBN (e.g. esp8266:esp8266:d1_mini:eesz=4M3M,xtal=80) for unspecified board. validations: required: false - type: input id: Other_board_URL attributes: label: The board manager URL used for unspecified board. value: "https://" validations: required: false - type: dropdown id: IDE attributes: label: What IDE are you using? options: - Arduino IDE - Arduino Web Editor - Arduino Pro IDE - Sloeber IDE - PlatformIO IDE - Other - please specify below multiple: false validations: required: true - type: dropdown id: IR_Protocol attributes: label: What IR protocol are you using? options: - Unknown - BoseWave - Denon - Dish - FAST - JVC - Lego - LG - NEC - Panasonic - RC5, RC6 - Samsung - Sharp - Sony - Whynter - Other - please specify below multiple: true validations: required: true - type: input id: IR_Pin attributes: label: Pin(s) used for IR-receive, if not default. value: "Arduino pin number: default" validations: required: false - type: checkboxes id: Checked_examples attributes: label: Example(s) you have checked while hunting the bug. description: Please do not submit a bug report without testing at least one or more examples! options: - label: SimpleReceiver - label: ReceiveDemo - label: SendRawDemo - label: ReceiverTimingAnalysis - label: TinyReceiver - label: TinySender - label: ReceiveAndSend - label: SimpleSender - label: SendDemo - label: SendLGAirConditionerDemo - label: UnitTest - label: Other - please specify below - label: I checked, if at least one of the examples was working. required: true - type: checkboxes id: Failed_examples attributes: label: Example(s) to reproduce the issue. description: Select only the examples which shows your error. options: - label: SimpleReceiver - label: ReceiveDemo - label: SendRawDemo - label: ReceiverTimingAnalysis - label: TinyReceiver - label: TinySender - label: ReceiveAndSend - label: SimpleSender - label: SendDemo - label: SendLGAirConditionerDemo - label: UnitTest - label: Other - please specify below - type: checkboxes id: Version attributes: label: The library version you are working with. description: | You may use the latest repo version, which is not (yet) released, but may contain some bugfixes. Your current library version number can be found with *Arduino > Tools > Manage Libraries..* (Ctrl+Shift+I) and is printed to serial output at the startup of every example. options: - label: I use the [latest Arduino library version](../releases) and verified this! - label: I use the latest repo version ([download link](../archive/ and verified this! - type: markdown attributes: value: | # Bug descripion - type: textarea id: bug-steps attributes: label: What are the steps to reproduce this issue? placeholder: | 1. 2. 3. 4. See error validations: required: true - type: textarea id: bug-description attributes: label: What happens? description: A clear and concise description of what the bug is. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: bug-logs attributes: label: The serial output which indicates the error happened. description: | Please copy and paste any relevant serial output. This will be automatically formatted into code, so no need for backticks. render: shell validations: required: false - type: textarea id: bug-expectation attributes: label: What were you expecting to happen? description: A clear and concise description of what was supposed to happen. validations: required: false - type: textarea id: bug-context attributes: label: Additional context. description: Add any other context you can provide about the problem here. validations: required: false - type: markdown attributes: value: | # Checklist - type: checkboxes id: Commitments attributes: label: Final checklist for the bug report. options: - label: I have **read** the file thoroughly required: true - label: I have searched existing issues to see if there is anything I have missed. required: true - label: I have browsed the examples for one, that matches my use case. required: true - label: The title of the issue is helpful and relevant. required: true - type: markdown attributes: value: | ** We will start to close or delete issues that do not follow these guidelines as it doesn't help the contributors who spend time trying to solve issues if the community ignores guidelines!**